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"oh so you are coming inside?" I asked when i saw him following me.

Hehe that's what she said.

Girl just stop.

He shrugs and keeps walking behind me like a god damn shadow. We walk inside my apartment and as soon as the door closes, Leo pulls me into his chest.

"I am sorry. Black just yell at me, hit me, curse at me or do Whatever you want just do not ignore me." I look at him in his eyes and he stares back. "Please." He then adds.

Fuck i didn't know this was affecting him this fucking bad.

"Fuck. I am sorry. I am just being stupid. You don't deserve this. I just- I don't know how to deal with my emotions." I say starting to regret everything.

"No baby you are not being stupid. I just can't function knowing you are mad at me." He says and i smile.

"You are so fucking cute." I say pinching his cheeks.

"Shut up Black i am not cu-" he says but cuts himself off when i glare at him.

"Yes you are cute now say it." I say smiling.

"N-" i glare at him and he rolls his eyes. "Alright i am cute but only for you." He bends down kissing my nose.

"Yes you are. My cute cuddly teddy bear." I say smiling at him. This time i stand on my tippy toes and give him a peck on the lips. "What would you like to eat?"

"Nothing i am not hungry." Leo says.

"Yes you are and i am ordering pizza." I say as i push him towards the couch go to the kitchen order pizza and fill up two glasses with orange juice. I walk back to the living room, hand him the glass of juice. "How is your mom, Isabella and Penelope? I miss them." I say sitting next to Leo.

"They all miss you too. They all keeping nagging me to bring you home as well. I think they all love you more than me." He says sipping his juice casually.

"Oh ummm i love them all too." I say blushing. It didn't seem like a big deal but it was a big deal to me. His mom is such a great person. She gives off such motherly vibes. Sometimes i wish my mom was like that too. Whenever i see a kid laughing and giggling with their mom i just wish my mom was like that and loved me instead she saw me as a bruden and a leach sucking up her resources.

"Black you good? You zoned out for a minute there." Leo says finishing his juice and putting it on the coffee table infront of us.

"Oh yeah i am just tired." I said sipping my juice.

"Come on we will lay down then." As soon as he said this the bell rang.

"Oh the pizza is here." I say getting up.

"I'll get it."

"Alright thanks." I say as he gets the door and i get up taking the glasses to the sink washing them. I walk back over to the living room and Leo was still not back.

"Leo what's taking so long?" I say as i walk towards the door where Leo is awkwardly standing there while a woman who looks to be the delivery person is what looks to be trying to flirt with him. I say woman because she looks to be in her early twenties and maybe in college."Oh for God's sake." I walk towards them and the woman just looks at me for a second like i am a piece of chewing gum stuck in her hair. She then pushes her boobs up a bit. I have to agree she does have nice boobies but like she should stop. Then she had the audacity to put her hand on Leo's arm.

If she doesn't take it off of him i will break it and feed it to her.

"Can you stop putting your boobs
in my man's face?" I ask the woman not so nicely as she was about to say something. While standing in front of Leo. In between her and my mans.

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