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Warning: Sexual Content

We drove up to a house near the beach. Leo picked me up bridal style and walked inside. He took me to a bedroom and as soon as the door closed he placed me down. We looked eachother in our eyes and Leo started walking closer to me. He took a step forward. His eyes were full of hunger. As many steps he took forward i took the same steps back. He looked at like i was his prey. I took another step and i stumbled back onto the bed. Leo pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. He looked at me and asked "may i?" Asking for permission to take my shirt off. I nodded. "Words baby" he said "yes" i replied. He took my shirt off and looked at me with his eyes full of hunger. I looked at him and started to take his shirt off. This time i pushed him down on the bed and started kissing his neck. Moving up leaving a trail of kisses behind until i found his sweet spot. Leo started groaning. I kissed his neck until he spun us around now he was on top. He took my pants off and started kissing my neck and his hands trailed down my body towards my wet core. He pushed my underwear aside started trailing his fingers down my wet slit."so fucking wet." I moan loudly at the contact. "Fucking gorgeous." He says looking down at me as he starts rubbing my clit. I start moaning and he slides a finger inside my wet core.

"Leo" i moan his name as he leant down and started kissing my sweet spot. He pushed another finger inside and started moving them a bit faster. I moan even louder. He used his thumb to rub my clit and his fingers moved inside of me. My eyes filled up with tears. I felt my orgasm being closer and closer he keeps his pace fast then he started moving slower. He stopped kissing me and looked up. I looked at him with tear filled eyes pleading."please." I say.

"Please what?" He asks.

"Don't make me beg Leo." I say and he slides his fingers out making me want more. In a split second i felt him slap my wet pussy with his hand and i groan loudly.

"I asked a question." He said rubbing my clit. I moan at the touch again. " please what?" He asked a bit sternly this time.

"Please let me cum." I say pleading then he slid his fingers back inside and moved them in and out at a fast pace. I start screaming as i felt my orgasm come closer."Leo oh fuck. Leo......" i yell as i cum. This doesn't stop him he still doesn't stop moving his fingers in and out of me. I start moving around but Leo holds me in place and i keep moaning loudly. Then i felt hot liquid trickling down my leg.

"Fucking hell." Leo says as he looks at mess i have made. "So fucking hot." I was a panting mess at this point i recover and get out of bed. I pushed him down on the bed. He looked at me with his eyes wide looking down at me as i get down on my knees. I start to unbuckle his belt and he puts his hand on mine. "Are you sure?" He asks and i look up at him through my eye lashes. I nod my head "never been more sure." I replied with that i take off his pant. I gulp looking at the huge bulk under his boxers. My eyes wide as i look at the huge bulge. I take off his boxers and his dick sprung out. I look at it with my eyes wide.

"I have never done this before so tell me what feels good or what not." I say looking at his huge dick then at him.

"Are you sure you wanna do it?" He says.

"Yes." I says as i take his dick in my hand. I start stroking my hand up and down his dick. I stroke a few times and he groans. I wrap my lips around his tip swirling my tongue around it. The taste of his pre-cum filling my mouth. I start moving my head up and down his dick. He starts moaning and throws his head back. I try to fit his whole dick in my mouth but the parts i could not fit i used my hands on. I bob my head up and down and he groans and moan loudly. I keep moving my head and he grabs my almost pony tail in a fist and starts to thrust his dick in my mouth. I tap his thigh telling him i can't breathe.

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