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Once me and Alex checked out from the store after we bought my things which i needed. I started to crave ice-cream so me and Alex went to a cute little ice-cream shop near the mall.

"So what do you wanna have?" Alex asked me while i was looking at the menu

"You know the usual. Caramel ice-cream with lots of choci chips" I said while smiling and drooling a bit thinking about my delicious ice cream.

"Yeah just making sure. Because you are crazy and i don't wanna die by getting your order wrong" He laughs

"Shut up that was one time i got angry and it was not a big deal" I pout crossing my arms

"Not a big deal?!?" He looks at me as if he doesn't believe me. "You threw a huge tantrum and threw your laptop at me because i forgot about your choci chips in your stupid ice cream" He laughs remembering that

"Maybe it was a little dramatic and in my defense we had a fight before that and i was cranky because i was on my stupid shark week" I was still pouting "and i even said sorry to atleast a thousand times after that."

"I know i know i am just kidding rosie" He laughs and pats my head and i am still pouting at him. "You look cute but don't be mad at me"

"I know i am very cute but about the mad part get me a triple scoop caramel ice cream with lots of choci chips and we might have a deal" I look at acting as if i am thinking

"Ok deal i will get you a triple scoop" He laughs and pats my head again while walking away.

"Don't forget to get yourself something too or else i will get mad at you" I say while he is walking away

And at this exact moment my phone rings i look at the caller id smile.i walk out of the ice cream parlour to pickup the call.

"Hey Ro-Ro" My best friend who is a bit too energetic screams in my ear.

"Hi liv and stop calling me Ro-Ro i hate that nickname" I say while rolling my eyes

"stop rolling your eye i can feel you rolling your eyes at me bitch" I laugh she knows me too well.

"So watcha doin?" She asks me

"Nothing just came to an ice cream parlour to get some ice cream with Lex"

"Oh have fun then i just wanted to hear your voice." She sighs dramatically. "I miss you so much"

"I miss you too stop being dramatic. I will meet you at school tomorrow same place we always meet up"

"Awww i love too babe and now bye ny dad's calling me too watch his stupid shows with him" I laugh at this.

"Tell your dad i said hi and i will visit soon to watch some of his shows with him. Bye. Take care you know i love you"

The calls ends and i start walking instead of looking ahead i am still looking at my phone. Then i hit something hard. I thought i had crashed into a wall was going to fall but didn't. When i looked up to see what it was. It was a guy. Me feeling embarrassed i tried to take a small step back. Remember the key word tried yeah tried because the guy was holding on to my waist and i was thankfull because if he didn't i might have fallen backwards and would have embarrassed myself further but even tho i was stable now he didn't let go so i just looked at him and cleared my throat he still didn't get that i was trying to tell him to let go. When I looked at his face he was already staring at me.

"Hey i am fine now i won't fall now. You can let go now and i am sorry i wasn't looking where i was going-" I looked at him and he was staring at me like i was stupid. "And i guess i should shut up now". He is still looking at me and i just take a moment to look at his face. He was gorgeous like he has a perfectly sharp jawline. Beautiful blue eyes like the ocean messy black hair. Then i remember i am here with my brother if he finds me like this he will kill this handsome guy and he is still holding me

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