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After that whole debacle in my room. We both sat in the car as Leo started to drive towards his house. I kept looking out the window. I was lost in thought when Leo placed his hand on my thigh and i flinched. He immediately took his hand back and already missed the warmth his hand provided. I could see the flash of hurt on his face when i flinched. I felt bad because i didn't flinch because of him i was just lost in thought and was zoning out i hadn't slept last night either so i was a bit jumpy right now. I felt bad knowing Leo thought i flinched by his touch because i really didn't. I look at him, his jaw was clenched as he gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white. I was still mad at him but i placed my hand on his. His face immediately softened as he took my hand and brought to his mouth as he placed a kiss on each of my knuckles. "I didn't flinch by your touch. I just hadn't slept well last night so i am a bit jumpy." I said while looking out the window. He let a breath which i don't think he knew he was holding back and placed our conjoined hands in his lap.

After a short 10 minute drive he reqch his home. He runs out to open my door i give him a tight lip smile but he seemed content with that too as he passed me a grin. Fuck he looks adorable but i can't melt at this he need to know he can't do this shit again. Stephanie open the door immediately and i walk in and she gives me a bone crushing bear hug. I pull away from the hug and kiss her cheek.

"You look beautiful and you are glowing." She smiles at me shyly.

"Oh stop it. Look at you absolutely beautiful." She smiles giving my cheek a hard kiss. She pulls away and takes my hand to pull me inside.

"When is your boyfriend gonna be here?" I whisper in Stephanie's ear and she turns red.

"Maybe around seven or seven thirty." She says as she walks away i smile at yer retreating figure. I was walking when Poppy ran towards me and hugged my leg tightly. She looked so adorable her blue doe eyes staring at me. As she smiled.

"Ro i missed you." She says as i picked her up. I grinned at her then i hear a camera click. I look up to see Leo taking pictures of me. I roll my eyes at him and kiss Poppy on her big bubbly cheek.

"I missed you more princess. You look like a princess. Princess Penelope." I say and she grins at me before placing a wet kiss on my cheek and then started squirming in my lap i place her down and she runs to Leo. He picks her up and i walk away. Simply because seeing Leo with children is something i will absolutely melt at. The two things I love. Leo and children and if they are together i won't be able to handle that.


Did i really say I Love him?

Ofcourse i love him. I-

I snapped out of my inner monologue when Isa placed a hand on my arm.

"Rose you ok?" She asks. I suck in a huge breath and smile at her.

"Yes ofcourse." I say as she smile at me and pulls me to her room.

"Can you do my makeup? Please."she asks and i know she wasn't really allowed to wear makeup and the truth is she doesn't really need it either. She is so naturally beautiful.

"You do know you aren't really allowed to wear makeup right?" I ask and she nods her head.

" I know but i want to look like you. I wanna look pretty." She says and i sigh. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Isa sweetheart you don't need to look like anyone to look beautiful. Look at you. You are so beautiful so pretty and no one absolutely no one can tell you otherwise. Alright? And the thing about makeup is that it doesn't make you look beautiful it just accentuates your already existing beauty." She smiles at me and i kiss her head. "But if you want i can still put on a little makeup and if your asshole brother says something i will handle him. Alright?" She smiles and hugs me.

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