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"Change damnit. You are gonna be late." Livia paces around the room while i scroll on my phone with a chocolate bar in my hand. Alex was still not back from his trip so the apartment was empty except ofcourse Livia and me.

"Liv shut the fuck up." I say taking a bite of my chocolate. She glares at me while i roll my eyes. Walking over to me she snatched my phone from my hand putting it in my pocket. Her hand reached to snatch my chocolate and i narrow my eyes at her.

"Can you get ready? Tho i am pretty sure your man will get turned on even if you show up looking like a homeless man." Liv takes my chocolate from my hand despite my glare and bit into it.

"Firstly give me my phone back secondly shut the fuck up and give me my chocolate back bitch. " i snatch my chocolate back from her hand.

"You are turning into your little boyfriend Rosalyn Emelia Black" Liv says placing her hands on hips.

"Oh fuck off." I say rolling my eyes and eating my chocolate.

"Stop texting Leo you are gonna meet him in an hour." Liv says glaring at me.

"Oh please like i don't see you and Tyler texting eachother non stop." I say narrowing my eyes at her. The tips of her ears turn pink and scoff. Liv leant down to snatch my chocolate and phone out of my hand before throwing both of them back onto my bed.

"Get your ass up and change." I roll my eyes whinning but giving in and walking to my closet. Leo ususal hadn't told me where ge was taking me for our new year eve's date. He told me to dress up in whatever because i look hot in anything i wear but he would prefer if i wore nothing. His words not mine, but then i asked him if he would prefer if others saw me naked in public or if i die of hypothermia to which he replied "you can wear whatever you want baby i can fight and no i do not prefer you going out in public and dying of hypothermia because i love you too much." These few days has been the best Leo keeps proving how much he loves me. Today instead of going to a new year eve's party, like the other's  were going to,  Leo told me we were going on a date wether i like it or not his words.

After a few minutes of searching what outfit to wear i decided on going with a full black outfit, a black shirt with a mini pencil skirt and black tights which has skin fur inside to keep my legs warm with long black leather boots. I top it all off with a black pea coat.

I added a few rings that Leo had given me which were similar to his because i kept playing with the rings on his hands

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I added a few rings that Leo had given me which were similar to his because i kept playing with the rings on his hands. Walking out i made my way over to Livia who was sitting there eating my chocolate. "What? You took so long so i ate it. You know so it doesn't ruin your comforter." I roll my eyes as she gave me a once over at ny outfit.
"Oh my You look hot. Wanna ditch your boyfriend and get it on with me?" She asks winking continuesly as if something had gotten into her eye. I laugh at her about to reply when a voice cut me off.

"I don't think her boyfriend would let her do that." Leo's voice rang through the door and i whip my head towards him. His huge figure leaning against the door frame. He was dressed in a black button down, grey slacks and a black pea coat on top. I gave his outfit a once over and then looked up to his face. I look into his eyes and he was already staring at me  with a smirk on his face. "Hi" he said his voice low.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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