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"Would you like to come in?" I asked looking down at my hands in my lap.

Why would you ask him that he is gonna think you are being clingy.

No he is not gonna think that shut up.

When i didn't get an answer i decided to look up and maybe apologize because i asked a stupid question. When i looked at him he was looking at me with his eyes wide and i was about to apologize but he nodded his head once and then gave a single word answer as usual. "Yes". So i smiled at him and got out of the car as he followed me and we both got to my apartment. I signaled him to my living room and we both sat down on my couch.

"Are you hungry?" I ask him.

"A little bit." He replies

"I can cook. What would you like to eat?"

"You know how to cook?" He asks a bit surprised.

"Why is it so surprising?" I ask raising a brow.

"No no that is not what i meant. I-uh just" He says looking frantic.

Aww he is adorable.

"I am just kidding. So what would you like to eat?"

"You don't need to. I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Yeah no. You are not causing any trouble mister i want to cook and i love to cook. You go and freshen up and in the mean time i will cook us a little something to eat." I say while poking his arm. In return he just nods his head. I show him the guest bathroom and i too freshen up and then i started to think what to cook. After a while i decided on making simple alfredo pasta.

"Do you need help?" He asks.

I squel and jump up. "Omg you scared me. " I put my hand on my heart and he laughs.

Wait is he really laughing?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" He asks me looking confused.

"You look cute when you laugh." I say before i can even stop myself. I shock myself saying this and looking at him he is shocked too because he is looking at me with his eyes wide open and his cheeks turning pink.

I clear my throat. "I- ummm you can go sit on the couch."

"I can give you company while you cook." He says still a bit pink.

"Oh yeah that would be great. 20 questions?"

"Mhmm sure."

We start playing as i am cooking. "Hobbies?" I ask

"Video games, boxing and sketching. Yours?"

"Oh wow that is so cool we got something in common i am into boxing too. Hmmm mine are boxing as i said playing guitar or anything related to music and well reading i like reading oh and cooking,baking etc."

"Favourite colour?"

"Lavender. Yours?"



"Don't really have one. Yours?"

"Monster's Inc. I love love love it!!"

Just like this we kept playing our game and after 15 minutes or so food was done. We took our plates of food and sat down on the couch in the living room. I waited for him to take a bite of his pasta. First time in my life i was nervous if someone liked my food or not. He took his bite as i stared at him creepily, his eyes opened wide.

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