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Right now i am standing in front of my bathroom mirror trying to cover the several hickeys that stupid idiota just gave me. While he is just standing there staring me.

No i don't know Spanish i just know a few curse words.

"Why are staring at me?" I ask looking over at him in the mirror.

"I am just admiring the view." He says shrugging. I shake my head while smiling.

"You are too cute." I say still smiling and done covering my hickeys. This was the first time i had to cover up a hickey or even got a hickey.

"I am not cute i am handsome." He says flexing his muscles winking at me.

"Whatever you say baby." I say patting his cheek while walking away and laughing. I walk out of my room and started prepping for dinner. Leo got out of the room after a few seconds. The tip of his ears showing that he had been taken aback by me calling him 'baby'. And he still says he isn't cute. Leo walks towards me and clears his throat.

"Do you need some help?" He asks plopping his elbows on the counter and putting his head on his hand.

"No just go sit and watch TV or something." He doesn't agree so i push him towards the couch where my brother is sitting watching football. I tell him to sit and he sits down next my brother awkwardly. I quickly walk back to my room and into the washroom because suddenly my bladder felt like it was going to explode. I quickly finish my business wash my hands real quick. Then i put my hair up into a bun and washed my hands again after that i walk back out into the living room.

"What do you boys want for dinner?" I wait for a second but get no reply as both of them were too into the stupid game they were watching. I clear my throat and that still didn't get their attention. I stomp towards Alex and snatch the remote out of his hand turning the television off.

"Hey i was watching that." Alex says then still looking at the television screen. Leo was looking at me and elbows my brother after seeing the look on my face.

" Alexander Jaden Black and Leo Zayn Grey i asked you a fucking question. " I say glaring at them.

"Sorry baby i wasn't paying attention." Leo saying looking like a lost puppy.

"It's ok." I bend down and peck him on the cheek. "Now you i don't give a fuck if you were watching that or not answer me when i ask a question."

"Sorry i wasn't paying attention."

"Alexander i don't give a shit."

"Hey not fair. Why do i get to see your attitude and he gets a it's ok and a kiss." Alex whines like a child.

"Just tell me what you guys want to eat." I say punching the bridge of my nose while letting out a sigh.

"Whatever you want. Can we watch the game now?" Leo says and i hand him the remote a bit aggressively and stomp my way back to the kitchen as soon as i start walking away the game was turned back on. I walk back to the kitchen and Leo came speed walking towards me gave a peck on the cheek smiled at me and went back to his seat. I kept smiling and decided to look for something to cook after a while of brain storming i decided to make burger with side of fries. "I am making burger and fries is it alright with you two?"

"Yes thank you." They both said at the same time. I rolled my eyes smiling at them. They both were having a stupid conversation about something but it's nice to see both of the boys i care about getting along. I start cooking and after an hour or so the food was done.

"Come on boys wash up the food's ready." I say. Both of them got up from the couch and Leo went towards the kitchen sink while Alexander just came and sat on the kitchen stool trying to pick up a fry. I spat his hand away."Wash your hands first." He rolls his eyes and went to wash his hands. " What do you guys wanna drink?"

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