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I woke up next morning. I looked around to see that i was in my room. I looked around and squinted my eyes as the sleep was still my eyes. My head was hurting as hell i felt like i was had been ran over by a truck maybe a few times. I rubbed my eyes by my fists a few times to get the sleep out of my eyes. I looked at myself to see that i wasn't in my party outfit anymore.

Who the fuck changed my clothes. Wtf. Wtf. Wtf.

Thinking about what happened last night. While still being sleepy i started to get out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom to freshen up. Once i walked into the bathroom i brushed my teeth and took a quick shower to freshen up and to soothe my raging head ache. Got out of the shower and changed into a soft flowy lavender shorts and a loose black tank top. I brushed my hair and let it air dry. Then i moisturized my legs and arms. As i started to walk out of the bathroom and my stomach started to grumble.

I walked out of my room and made my way into the kitchen to grab a tall glass of water and a painkiller to soothe my headache. I walked out of the kitchen into the living room and sat down and checked the time. 1 Pm oh God i woke up late.

Where the hell is Alex?

I looked around to find Alex but didn't find him so i messaged him.

"Hey big bro where are you?"

I sent the message and he replied almost immediately.

"Hey Rosie sorry some work came up i had to leave but didn't wanted to wake you up cuz i knew you would be cranky due to the hangover."

"Oh and i made you some breakfast your favourite pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream"

I smiled with excitement and replied back

"Alrighty and thank you so so so so much for the pancakes. I love you take care. "

Again his reply was instantaneous.

"I love you too and you too take care. I will be home a bit late."

"Oka" With that i got up and made my way happily to the kitchen picked up the plate of pancakes and then decided to make myself a cup of coffee. Quickly making my coffee i picked up my pancakes and coffee and walked out the kitchen. I sat down on the couch ate my breakfast and called Liv. On the second ring she immediately picked up.

"Heyyyyyyy bitch." Livia yelled into the phone.

"Oh God woman how the hell do you have this much energy so early after drinking?" I say dragging my free hand over my face.

"First of all its not early its almost 2 in the afternoon."

"And what's the second thing?" I asked her.

"What second thing?" She asked i can imagine her tilting her head in confusion

"I-uh you know what nothing." I said laughing.

"Oh and by the way i changed your clothes last night."

I let out a breath in relief "oh thank goodness. But wait how did you do that you were drunk as well."

"Yeah a little bit not really." She replied

"But you took 5 or 6 shots with me."

"No woman i didn't you were the one drinking i only drank maybe 2 or 3 shots."

"What really i almost took total of 8 or 9 shots and i feel like i want to die." I said while finishing last bite of my breakfast.

"Btw the stunt you pulled last night was-"

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