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We reach the apartment which was not that bad since Leo was kinda sober at this point i don't really know how but he was. We reach my room and i close the door helping Leo onto the bed.

"I am gonna get you some water." I say as i turn around but Leo had different plans. He pulled me back by the waist band of my skirt and i fell onto his lap. He starts kissing my neck starting from my collar bone to my jaw. Then he picked me up and turned me around so that now i was facing him. He, then slammed his lips onto mine. Our lips move in sync. I bite on his lip as my hands travel to his hair. His hand travel to my jaw and the other to my hair as he wraps my hair in a fist. He swipes his tongue on my lips and let him inside. His tongue traversed every region of my mouth. He tasted like heaven making me feel euphoria. Our hands moved impatiently as we removed eachother's shirts. His lust becoming evident as i felt his boner under my ass.

"Fuck we should stop baby you are drunk." I say breaking the kiss. He pouts but then starts slapping himself i stop him by grabbing his hands."What the fuck babe?"

"I am sober now." He says looking at me. I look at him with my eyes wide then start laughing.

"Oh My God Leo. What is wrong with you?" I say laughing. I leant forward and placed a kiss on his lips but he grabbed my jaw and deepened the kiss. I smiled against his lip. "You are adorable." I say against his lips. He stood up hoisting me up by my ass without breaking the kiss. I squeal jn surprise and he backed me up against the wall as he unclasped my black lace bra with one swift motion. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pull him closer. His hand starts moving from my thigh to my stomach and then to my boobs, as he hoists me up with one hand. He massages my breast with one hand with breaking the kiss. I drag my nails lightly down his back, his back stiffens up at the contact. We both break the kiss to breathe and stare into eachother's eyes. Leo places me on the ground as starts removing my tights and my skirt. I move my hands uo to his buckle and open it up. He took his jeans off and threw it aside. I tried removing his boxers but he placed his hand on mine and in a swift motion he pins my hands above my head on the wall with one hand. His other hand moves down to my black thong he slides it down and let it rest on my ankles. I look up at him and he bent down to my ear.

"Don't make any noise. We don't know if your brother is home or not. Stay here don't move. Got it." He says kissing my neck and i nod my head. He walks to the door and locks it. Then takes his boxers off throwing them aside too and then taking a condom out of his pocket and putting it on. He walks back to me and pins my hands back above my head on the wall. His hands move down to my pussy. I gasp as he slams a finger inside without any warning his finger starts moving inside of me as he keeps looking into my eyes and then without any warning he inserts another finger inside. "So fucking wet aren't you." He says as i close my eyes. I try hard not to make any noise as Leo starts moving his fingers faster and uses his thumb to rub my clit.

"Fuck." I moan as Leo slams his lips on mine.

"We don't want anyone hearing that now do we?" He says against my lips. I moan against his lips.

"Fuck Leo. Fuck." I moan as he inserts another finger inside. I feel my orgasm coming near and my legs starting to refuse holding my weight up. Leo noticed this and slips his fingers out. He then hoist me by my ass and slams his dick inside. I wiggle my underwear off and wrap my legs around his waist as he thrusts inside of me again.

"Fuck." I moan as i bite his shoulder and he groans in response. He thrust into me harder and i bite his shoulder again. He keeps thrusting into me. As i keep my legs around his waist. He picks me up and takes me to bed with his dick still buried inside of me. He laid me down with him on top of me then he bent down and started placing kisses on my neck. He started sucking on my sweet spot and i started moaning. He thrusted inside a few more times before his thrusts became sloppy indicating his orgasm was near and so was mine. I drag my nails down his back as his pace became sloppier by the second. Leo places a light kiss on my lips as my orgasm approaches i let a moan against his mouth. After a few sloppy thrust Leo pulls out breathing heavy.

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