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I woke up the next morning snuggling into my warm pillow. Wait warm pillow which is hard. Wha- then i opened my eyes to see i was still on top of Leo. I take a moment to look at him sleeping sunshine shining on his face making him more gorgeous then ever. His messy hair falling on his eyes i use my hand and remove the lonely strand of hair from his forehead. As i am creepily staring at his face. He starts opening his beautiful ocean blye eyes which i find comfort in.

"Morning Baby" He says in his hot morning voice.

Holy schbang that morning voice.

"Morning" I say immediately pulling my hand away from his face. "Did you sleep well?"

"Had the best sleep with you on top of me" He says winking and i roll my eyes.

"Gotta get ready for school" I say.

"You sure you want to go to school today. We can skip if you want." He says sitting up with me still in his lap.

"Uh uh mister we are not skipping school i am fine see." I try to get up but his arms tighten around me. "Anyways We are going to be late mister let me get up so i can get you my brother's clothes."

"Mhmmm but i can wear my own jeans just get me a shirt." Then i felt something poking leg i look down and realised what it was and i jump up from his lap squealing. He chuckles and mumbles "sorry its natural" and i glare at him.

"Ewww no i don't ever want to think about that and you go take a shower there is a new teethbrush in the guest bathroom. Go." I say poking his chest. He stand up and now i am face to face with chest. He chukles again and i walk out of the room.

"Why are you out of your bed?" Alex asks.

"School." I say in a duh tone

When did i start giving one word answer. Leo really is rubbing off on me.

"You are not going." He says in a strict tone. I stare at him shocked.

"I am going mister." I say "and right now i need a shirt of yours that would fit Leo."

"He stayed the night?" I nod my head.

"Now give me your clothes." This time he nods and walks away he comes back after a few minutes and hands me simple black T-shirt.

"When you get back from school we gotta talk about something. Ok?" He says and i nod.

What does he want to talk about?

Meh i am sure it's nothing.

I walk to the guest bathroom and knock on the door. "I brought the shirt and leave the clothes in the hamper i will wash them later." Then i hear a whole lot of rustling and a loud thud.

He fell. He definitely fell.

"Ok." He yells.

"You ok?"

"Fucking Fantastic." He yells back and i start laughing.

"Alright i am leaving the shirt here." I say still laughing and walking out.

I go to my own bathroom and brush my teeth and took a shower. Quickly washing my hair and scrubbing every part of my body. Since i didn't shower yesterday i felt dirty. Walking out of the shower i wrapped myself in a huge towel. Then i quickly dried my hair and walked to my closet. Today i decided to wear a white t-shirt, blue somewhat ripped jeans and a black and white flannel and decided to add a black belt. I left my hair open today and applied a bit of my regular makeup and walked out. Leo was standing outside talking to Alex.

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