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After getting out of school we went straight to Alex's car i hugged him. Liv greeted him then he dropped us at home and went back to work.

Even tho i told him a million times that he doesn't need to pick me up. He just says "i know i don't need to but i want to" So i just don't argue with him anymore about it plus he also says he wants to keep me safe.

As soon as we enter the apartment. Liv bolts straight to my room to see my dream which obviously has come true now. She calls her parents and tells them where she is. Mr. and Mrs.Adrian say "Hi" To me and told me to keep her. They don't want her back. After a while about ranting about literally everything and asking about what was going on between me and Leo. I told her about bumping into him but leaving some parts out. She starts yawning so we both take a nap and set my alarm to wake us up after 2 hours at 5 Pm.

Beep beep beep "omg shut up you stupid alarm" I say and go back to sleep after and minute or two the bed starts violently shaking. I open my eyes to see my best friend jump up and down while screaming "get up get up" So i gave up and got up

Ooh that rhymed

I woke up and went straight to the bathroom to rinse my face with cold water. I looked at myself in the mirror and realised i freaking slept in my skirt.

How did you manage to do that you dumbo.

Once I freshened up. I got out of the bathroom to my room . To my surprise Liv was not in the room. So i got out of my room to see my best friend stuffing her face with food.

"Heya Girly. What time is it?" Liv asks me.

"We have got two hours till we have to leave." i say looking at the time on my phone.

"Oh i just remembered Brady invited us to a party." Liv says.

"Ewww he is disgusting i am not going"

"Why do you hate him so much?" She asks as if she is oblivious to everything

"Oh i don't know maybe because he flirts with everything that has a pulse and a pair of boobs or maybe because HE. FUCKING. CHEATED. ON. YOU."

"Oh that was in the past he promised he was drunk and thought it was me and he also promised he would never do that again."

"Are you this dumb or just act like this? Girl i- i am just speechless."

"Well he is good in bed so-"

"His STD ass is disgusting and ewww i don't ever wanna know about that as much as i love you i don't wanna know about your fucking sex life dude."

"Yes please leave this topic and lets get ready."

"Yeah we have got 1 hour 45 mins left to leave so you better get your lazy ass up. "

After Liv got up and went to take a quick shower in the guest bathroom. And i went to my closet and took out a white tube top, black and white checkered pants and a black crop denim jacket. I got in my own bathroom and took a quick shower without getting my hair wet. I got out of shower after about 15 minutes. Liv was already sitting on my bed looks like she didn't wash her hair either. She was wearing a pink sundress with a white cardigan on top.

When i got out she was curling her beautiful blond hair into light beach waves. She looked at me and i already knew what she was trying to say.

"No no no. I am letting you burn my beautiful hair off. Uh huh no nope never. " I said shaking my head violently.

"Please please please." She looked at me with her hazel eyes giving me 'the puppy eyes look'. I sigh and give up.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

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