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                        LEO'S  POV
We were about to kiss

The whole day i tried to act calm but the only thing i could think of was the kiss. How her big pouty lips would have felt on my own. How her green eyes were shining when i woke up to the sight of her beautiful green eyes looking into mine. Right now i was trying to sleep but the only thing kept repeating was how we were about to kiss but were fucking interrupted by his brother. My mom wanted to only invite her on dinner her exact words were:

"I want to meet the beautiful girl that swept my boy off his feet." She said as she laughed all i replied to that was 'no'. She told me again that she wants to meet her because apparently she is the only girl i talk about at home. I thought that if i only invited her she would think that is really weird so i invited all of them. Now i have to tolerate all of their fucking annoying asses. I can't wait to see her again. I have already established that i have a crush on her.


Shut it.

My last thought before falling asleep was her always her. Oh God i feel like a teenage girl. Shutting out my thoughts i fell asleep.

                   ROSALYN'S POV
I woke up the next morning. I rubbed my the palm of my hand in my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness then picked up my phone to see the time and to check any notifications i got. I always got none but it doesn't hurt to see if someone messaged me. I was about to put my phone away but a message appeared i immediately smiled at message and opened it.

Mr. Grumpy pants😠😏😒: Good morning Baby. Hope you had a good sleep.

Me: Good morning Grey.

Mr. Grumpy pants😠😏😒: i will pick you up at 6:30

Me: No you will not.

Mr. Grumpy pants😠😏😒: yes i will.

I rolled my eyes. Bossy much but not more than me.

Me: no you won't i am planning on coming with Liv. Me and her will get ready at my place and we will come over in her car.

Me: Speak of the devil she is calling gotta go.

Mr. Grumpy pants😠😏😒: ok baby bye.

I rolled my eyes and picked up Livia's call.

'Hi-" I said but she cut me off.

"Bitch what took you so long?"

"I was busy."

"Yeah sure whatever. Now let's get to the point i am coming over in an hour."

"I already knew that you called me just to say that?" I asked.

"I- uhh yeah." I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes." She said.

"What the fuck is everyone's problem with me rolling my eyes." I rolled my eyes again.

"I don't know one day they'll get stuck back there." She said laughing.

"Shut up Bye."

"Wai-" I cut her off by ending the call.

Hehe payback for cutting me off bitch.

I got off my bed and started to clean my room. Which didn't take long because i didn't break anything. I just picked my clothes up and shoved them back in my closet. Then i made my bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower scrubbed and shaved every part of my body. Then got out of the shower and wore loose t-shirt and shorts. I let my hair air dry, moisturized my whole body and walked out. I knew Alex wouldn't be home so i went out in the kitchen and started to cook some breakfast for myself and put on some music. I ate my breakfast washed the dishes and decided to read a book. I knew that bitch would be late. I was half way through the book when there was a loud bang on the door. I quickly put my book away and opened the door. I was attacked and tackled into a hug.

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