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I was sitting in class not being able to focus at all. She didn't come to school today. As far as i know her i had figured out that as much as she hates school she never misses it without any reason. I have been going crazy that she isn't here and i can't listen to her rant. I just hope she is alright. Even at lunch break i missed her. I missed her beautiful laugh, her smile, her green eyes and her big pink lips which turn into a pout as soon as i say something she doesn't like. Her friend is also worried for her. She isn't picking up her phone. Her friend messaged her a million times. She hasn't replied once.

I quickly get up from my seat and started to walk out of the cafeteria.
"Where are you going?" Tyler calls out to me.

"Somewhere." I say walking out and saying it over my shoulder. I walk out of the school and into the car. I start my car start driving to her house. I can't take it anymore i want to make sure she is fine and she is safe. I- why is she making me feel like this? I never cared about a girl who isn't my mom or my sister. Then why her? what is going on?

I woke up today and my head was throbbing. Alex was sleeping next to my bed on a chair. I tried to get up from my bed to get to the bathroom but my legs felt wobbly and i couldn't walk or even stand.

"No no lay back down." Alex says making me lay back down.

"What happened?" I ask resting my head between my hands.

"You passes out i called the doctor here because i know you hate going to the hospital. He said you were stressed, had a panic attack and you didn't eat anything the whole day so your body couldn't handle the attack." He said then pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why haven't you eaten anything today? What's going on Rosalyn please tell me. Is everything alright."

"I- i am fine i just" I said looking down in my lap. "Look i just don't want to talk about it right now." Then i added "please".

"Alright then i will cook you something. You need something to eat."

"You seem tired you don't need to cook and i am not hungry."

"You are eating and i am cooking and that is final." He says glaring. I was about to protest but the door bell rang. "I'll go see who is at the door and you missy lay down."

I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. My room was cleaner than last night. I am guessing Alex cleaned up my room. I was staring at the ceiling then i heard a fimiliar male voice talking to Alex. As soon as i realized who the voice belonged to there was a knock at my door. "Come in." I tried to yell but my voice came out hoarse. The door opened as soon as i said this.

"Hey" Leo said coming into my room.

"H-hey. What are you doing here?" I said.

"I was worried about you." He said while sitting down next to me on the chair Alex was sitting in before. Hearing these words from someone other than Liv and brother was making me emotional.

"I am alright." I gave him a weak smile.

"You know you are a very bad liar. You have been acting strange since yesterday. You can talk to me y'know and even if you don't want to talk to me you can talk to your friend or your brother as far as i can tell not even your brother knows whats been bothering you. Please just talk to anyone. I- uhhh we are worried about you."

I looked at him all shocked. Is this the same guy who doesn't even bother talking to anyone or even looks at any girl and He is sitting here trying to comfort me. Before he could react i just jumped up and hugged him. He stiffened up and then hugged me back quickly then he nuzzled his head into my neck. I have started to think this is his favorite thing to do. He pulls back from the hug and looks at my face. His eyes soften up even more and he glided his thumb on my cheeks. Only then did i find out that i was crying.

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