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"Are you okay? Is everything alright?" I ask Stephanie as we walk into another room.

"Yes yes sweetheart everything is more than alright i just need some advice." Stephanie says and i nod my head.

"Yeah ofcourse what do you need advice for?' I ask her.

"I- uhh i am seeing someone." Stephanie says and i jump up.

"Omg i am so happy for you Stephanie." I hug her and she hugs me back. "Is he treating you right? How is he?" I ask her as i pull away.

"He is amazing, like he is the sweetest person ever but the problem is how do i tell my kids about him. What if they get upset and doesn't want me to date?" She asks.

"Stephanie you deserve to be happy and i know your kids would want you to be happy too. You are such a good mom and a great person but now you need to put yourself above others. Also you don't need to tell them everything right now just tell them whenever you feel like it." She looks like she needs a hug so i move in and hug her.

"Thank you so much sweetheart." She says and smile nodding.

"And if Leo acts like an asshole tell me." She laughs and nods her head. We walk out and Leo looks over at us.

"What were y'all doing?" Leo asks.

"Nothing just some girl talk." Stephanie says and i laugh.


Sometime has passed since Stephanie and i had that talk. I felt so happy when she talked to her i loved the fact that she trusted me like her own. I was genuinely so happy for her she us such an amazing  woman and even btter mother. She deserves all the happiness and i knew Leo would feel skeptical but would understand that his mother deserves everything. She is going to tell them about Dustin today. By everything she told me about him he is an amazing person. She was gonna invite him tomorrow for Christmas eve dinner. I was laying in my bed when my phone rang. I picked it up quickly knowing who it is. I hadn't talked to him all day.

"Open the door i am outside." Leo seemed annoyed.

"What happened to hello baby?" I asked.

"Rosalyn open the door please. It was a long day." He said his voice getting higher and angrier. I ended the call being annoyed but got up to open the door.

"Took you long enough." He said walking past me into the living room. I closed the door. He sat down on the couch and i remained silent. I stared at him thinking maybe he would realised he was being kind of a bitch. He sat with his head tipped back on the back of the couch and his legs spread apart. If i wasn't pissed off i would be turned on. "What's up with you?" He says not even looking at me.

"Listen here lose the fucking attitude and don't ever fucking try to yell at me again. I am not Matthew or Tyler who would tolerate your shitty attitude. Got it? I already had enough of people's shit in my life. I don't need another man taking his frustration out on me." I say walking towards him and poking his chest. His eyes widened when he realised he was being bit of an asshole. I walked away into my room before he could say anything and closed my door. I hadn't seen him in 3 days we did text back and forth but i didn't see him. We were both busy it had been long since i spent time with my brother i even met his boyfriend. He is such a sweet guy i was happy for my brother.

Back to the topic of Leo we hadn't seen eachother in 3 days. My nightmares were also coming back i hadn't really slept well. I was frustrated and might have over reacted but i was already tired of people taking their frustration and anger out on me. I lay in my bed hugging the fuck out of the panda annoyed at myself and him. There was a knock on my door but i chose not to respond as i turned my back towards the door. After a second i heard the door open and Leo walked in. "Baby."

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