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"So what's the plan for the weekend?" Matthew asks stuffing his face with pizza.

"I got plans for me in my bed" I said.

Leo looks over at me with his eyebrow raised. Jaw clenched, hands held into a fist.

"Cozied up in sheets reading a book." I continued and Leo relaxed.

Heh got'em.

"Nerd." Matthew whispers.

"Shut up jerk." I say glaring and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Hi." A girl comes over "scoot over." I look at her all annoyed. Then she sits next to Leo and he just scoots even closer to me. She tries to talk to him using all the basic flirting techniques. I feel..... Anger? What is going on? Why do i want to kick her off our table? I am sure its just the anger from this morning...... Right?

"Rose?" Livia says.

I clear my throat "yeah."

"You zoned out again." I could tell she was trying to hold in her laugh and the other two were smirking.

"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes. "You were saying?"

"Oh yeah do you wanna come over today mom and dad were talking my ear off about how much they miss you." She says rolling her eyes.

"Hmmm yeah alright." I say trying to keep my eyes at Livia and not glare at the girl. He might be interested in her.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" The girl says. I was intrigued by the question i tried to keep eyes towards Liv but my head betrayed me and i spun my head so fast towards them that i surprised i did not break it. The girl put her hand on his arm and says "I see you are not much of a talker i get it but you are sooooo hot."

Ewwwww not that he is ewww but how she said it was ewww.

In a split second Leo picked me up and put me next to the girl. So i was in between him and the girl. The girl glared at me and i glared back in the end she got up angrily and walked away. I smiled in victory. Then Leo bent down a bit and whispered in my ear.

"No i don't have a girlfriend...yet and no need to get jealous." Then sits back straight and chuckles.


I glare at him "wh-why would i be jealous?"

Mhmmm you were clearly jealous.

Shut up.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Yeah. Shut up" he laughed this time and i slapped his arm.

"Woah woah woah dude are fucking laughing?" Matthew asks.

Leo immediately clear his throat and puts on his infamous scowl. "No fuck off."

"No you clearly were laughing." Tyler says.

"Shut up both of you." I say clearly Leo was uncomfortable so i try shut them both up.

"Awww look at you defending him." Matthew says.

"Mat shut your unicorn and rainbow panties ass up." I say glaring at him and Mat rolled his eyes. Then they went back to their conversations and Leo's phone rang he picked up the call and started talking sitting there. Giving his one words answers. I diverted my attention from him because i don't want to get nosy. "Ok mom love you too bye." He says as he ends the calls.

"Everything alright." I ask.

"Yeah." He clears his throat to get everyone's attention and says. "My mom wants to invite you guys for dinner at our house tomorrow."

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