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"so what are we doing today?" Said Livia. We were in our second class right now.

"Nothing i have a date today." I say busy glaring at the message i got from an unknown number.

"WHAT?" Livia yells i quickly look at her with my eyes wide.

I blurted it out didn't i.

Yes. You did.

"Am i disturbing you Miss Adrian and Miss Black?" Mrs. Anderson says pushing the glasses up her nose bridge.

I do not like her and i know she feels the same way towards me.

"Yes Mrs. Anderson." I say glaring at Livia.

" What did you say Miss. Black I did not quite hear you?" Mrs. Anderson says.

I know damn well she heard what i said.

"Nothing." I said rolling my eyes. I would gave told her what i said if it wasn't for the date i have to go on today. She would have put me in detention.

"Now i don't wanna hear you both talking." Mrs Anderson says. I roll my eyes again as she starts saying whatever she was saying before.

"You got a what?" Livia whisper shouts.

"Nothing." I say.

"with-" she starts but cuts herself off when i elbow her telling her that Mrs. Anderson is glaring at us." This isn't over we are talking about this later. " She whispers. I roll my eyes at her. The rest of the lectures went by torturously slow. Now i was walking towards the cafeteria as it was lunch time.

As i was walking i felt a pair of hands grab me and pull me towards the dreaded closet. But this time the hands were more gentle and took care that I won't bang my head anuwhere. I instantly knew who it was.

"You scared the shit out of me." I say smacking his chest.

"Fuck i am sorry." He says and i get confused. Then i remembered why he apologized.

"Oh no no its all good i am over it by now. Anyways why you pulled me here." I said.

"Well i missed you."

"We saw eachother this morning."

"I know it's been too long. I missed you."

"You are so fucking cute you big baby. Well what are we waiting for kiss me alrea-" i didn't even get to finish my sentence when Leo smashed his lips on mine. Our lips started moving in sync. This kiss felt soft at first started moving fast. This one felt as if we were fighting for dominance and no one was winning. I swept my tongue across Leo's soft plump lip seeking permission to enter. At first he didn't let me but i moved my hands from his neck to his hair tugging at them a bit. Leo let put a husky moan at this and i slid my tongue in his mouth. Both of us were fighting for dominance. Atlast Leo gave in and let me have it.

By the time we were done We both were a panting mess. Leo did the thing he always does after we kiss. I look at him grinning then i stand on my tiptoes and kiss him on his jaw because that is how far i can reach and then walked out of the closet. We both walk to the cafeteria together. As soon as we reach our table Livia starting speaking. "I was going to yell at you for being missing for 20 minutes without telling me but now i know you both were busy making out so i forgive you." I look at her with wide eye sitting at my spot. I look over at Leo and he is a bit taken aback too but as i have established he is cocky he was smirking.

"No the fuck we were not." I say staring at her.

" Girl we are not blind. Your hair is sticking up in weird places, you are blushing and your lips are swollen and same with him." I look at Leo and he was already staring at me and what she said was true both of us looked like we got jumped.

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