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The whole school day went by almost smoothly if we do not count the interaction that took place as soon as we entered the school. Livia loved my piercing but was also worried that something might have happened as soon as i told her it was an impulsive decision. Her worries weren't baseless nor i did once get a small tattoo behind my ear once after i got into a fight with that bald ass ugly bitch.

Right now Leo was on my bed while i was on top of him. Playing with hair while one of his hands were on my ass and the other in my hair. "Baby." I say and he hums in response his eyes closed. I know he loves it when i play with his hair. "I like you. Like alot." I say sighing. Leo kisses the top of my head.

"I know love. I like you alot too." I get up on top of him straddling him. He opened his beautiful blue eyes smiling at me. I move my hands around on his shirtless chest. Leo sits up positioning me where he wants me on his lap. I place a kiss on his neck then look into his eyes as his eyes shone with adoration and lust. Leo's hands slide up and down my bare inner thigh while his other hand moved up into my hair. Pulling them making me throw my head back as he gets full access to my neck. He started placing wet kisses along my collar bone. Moving up leaving a trail of kisses behind he reached my sweet spot sucking on it while i move my hands up in his hair. His other hand slid inside my flowy shorts under which i wasn't wearing anything. Leo's hand brushed my bare pussy, he stopped kissing my neck for a second then smirked. "So fucking wet already. For me." pecking my lips. Leo started rubbing my clit inside my shorts. I held his head in place. Our lips moved in sync. Leo's thumb rubbing circles on my clit. His pace fastened and i moaned into the kiss giving him full access to my mouth. Our tongues battled with eachother in fight of dominance eventually i gave in mostly because the pleasure has taken full control of my body. I couldn't think straight any longer. His tongue explored every corner of my mouth. One of his hands rubbed my clit while the other tried to explore every part of my body. Our lips moved in sync as i kept moaning into the kiss. Leo turned us around now i was under him. He broke the kiss and took my shorts and shirt off. My bare nipples hardened instantly as cold air hit them. Leo slaps my left tit twice then massages it and does the same to the other. Then he started placing feathery kisses on my stomach moving down leaving a trail of kisses. He started teasing me placing kisses on my inner thigh. His head moved between my legs as his tongue moved up down my slit. I moaned loudly at the contact. Leo placed a kiss on my clit and started sucking on it while he pushed a finger inside. I moaned loudly as he kept fingering me while sucking on my wet pussy. He added another finger and i moaned even louder. My hand gripping my sheets while the other tugged on Leo's hair. He moved his fingers in and out of me and felt my orgasm coming near.

"Fuck i am going cum." I say shocked at how i sound my voice huskier and shakier than ever.

"Then babe come all over my mouth i want to taste you on my tongue." He says his mouth still on my pussy the vibration of him speaking making me cum instantly. I scream as i let my orgasm come undone. Leo stops then kisses my inner thigh. Then slaps my pussy i moan and he slaps it again and again until i am a screaming mess. He stops and rubs my clit and climbs on top of me kissing me. I tasted myself on his tongue and moaned as his hands moved up and down my slit. The metal of rings making shivers run up my spine. His chain grazing my chest making my nipples harden even more if that's possible. Without breaking the kiss i take off Leo's sweats. His bare dick sprung out. Leo broke the kiss and pulled me at the end of the bed standing between my legs.

"You want to continue?" He asked

" yes." I say nodding my head.

"I am going to be rough." He said

"If you haven't figured i do like it rough."  I pull him down on the bed he falls next to me. I get up and told him to move back onto the bed then i climbed on to him. As he inserted his dick inside my pussy i rode his dick moving up and down taking every inch of him. Leo groaned in response and grabbed my waist. The metal of his rings digging inside my waist. I moan loudly as i bounce up and down his dick. I started moving back and forth while his dick was inside of me making me lose all my senses.

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