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Christmas day went by a blur with me and Leo cuddling, kissing, making out especially after his mom went over to his grandmother's house. Liv,Mat and Ty were all excited to meet us for Christmas so despite all of Leo's groaning and protests to just be in bed and "fuck those motherfuckers". I decided we would all meet up at my house. Despite all his attempts to stay in at his house i convinced him to drive us to my apartment and as soon as we arrived he booked it straight to my room and plopped himself face down onto my bed.

"Leo get your ass up we have to get ready." Leo buried his face even more into his pillow as i slap his ass.


"Please?" I plead hoping it might get him up.

"Why can't we spend our time alone and cuddle?" I roll my eyes smiling while he speaks with a groan.

"How about we can do whatever you want with me after all of them leave." I say knowing this will get his ass up. Leo takes his face out of the pillow and faces me turning his body towards me. All of a sudden his arms wrap around my body as he pulls me on top of him. I let out a surprised squeal as he places me on top of his lower abdomen. I sit on top of him, my knees on either side of his body, straddling him. My hands lay gently on his chest as i drag my nails down he shudders at the contact.

"Whatever i want with you. Huh?" His eyes lightening up with lust and mischief. I laugh at his childish behaviour.

"Yes baby whatever you want." I say laughing when Leo gets up from his  position readjusting me in his lap. He leant forward to place his lips on mine when i turned my head so his lips landed on my cheek.

"What the fuck was that?" I roll my eyes as Leo groans.

"I said after they all leave baby not right now." I say placing my hand on his chest. Instead of saying anything he grabbed the back of my neck and placed his lips on mine. I smiled against his lips. "You big stubborn baby." I mummer against his lips.

"I love you Rosalyn Black."  Leo whispers against my lips smiling. I felt a shiver go up my spine and i stiffen up. As if he sensed my hesitation he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist pulling me close to his body leaving no space between the both of us. I melt into Leo's embrace all of my hesitation slowly leaving my body. I love him and he loves me. It is hard to accept that someone could actually love me and i know Leo does and his actions do prove it unlike some people in my fucking life. Every little thing he does proves how much he loves me just like now how his hand is moving up and down my back sensing my inner turmoil or how he always places his hand on the edge of anything where i could possibly hit my head whenever i bend down to pick something up.

"I love you Leo Grey so fucking much." I whisper pulling myself back from his neck. Leo grinned at me. His grin melting my heart as he placed a kiss on my pulse. I moved a bit to adjust myself better on his lap to give him full access to my neck when his hands moved down to my hips under my black hoodie the cold metal of his rings digging into my skin. A shiver of pure ecstasy ran up my spine.

"Fucking hell Rose stop moving. Fuck."
He held my hips in place that is when i realised what i was doing heat rose up to my whole face as it turned red.

"Sorry." I whisper before placing a kiss on his jaw making my way up to his lips leaving a trail of kisses. Each kiss making his lust evident as i felt his boner under my pussy. I made my way onto his lips when the front door of my apartment flung open. As loud noises of laughter and talking filled up the apartment.

"Fuck. How did they come in?" Leo groans nuzzling his head into my neck.

"I think i didn't lock the door." I laugh. "Get up now. They are here."

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