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"Asshole" I said rolling my eyes while huffing.

"Come on sweetheart you are breaking my heart".He said while placing a hand over his heart and mocking being hurt.

"Oh shut up. Do you even have a heart?" I said rolling my eyes at him again.

"Maybe but i think someone stole it." He said while whispering the last part like i was not supposed to hear it.

"Real cheesy mister real cheesy." I say shaking my head.

Did i hear that right?

Why do i feel myself getting angry?

Its called jealousy!!! Bitch you like him.



N. O

"You seem distracted today." He said while staring at me with a Undiscribable look on his face.

"Oh yeah just a dumb stupid person ruined my sleep. I am just angry about that." I said thinking back and well telling half truth. He seemed like he doesn't believe what i was saying but chose to change the topic.

"C'mon eat up then we gotta leave." Leo said as he finishes his own food.

"We can leave if you want i am not even that hungry and you can have my food too?" I said to him



"Shut up and eat"

"Ok" I said while rolling eyes.

He leaned over the table and whispered in my ear "how many times do i have to tell you not to roll your eyes at me we still could finish what we started the other day". My eyes widened and i just know i turned red.

Stop blushing at everything he does.

You are blushing not me

Ughhhh shut up!!!!!!!

"Fuck you" I said while flipping him off.

"We can but i don't think these people would appreciate the free show." Leo said while smirking and my eyes widened i was about to choke on my coffee. I just know i turned an unattractive shade of red by the look on Leo's face. I rolled my eyes then tried to hide my face under my hair. All of a sudden Leo grabbed my chin pulling my face towards him and out of my hair. "Don't hide your face from me you look fucking gorgeous blushing especially knowing i made you blush." I didn't even know it's possible to blush even more but i sure did turn even more red than before.

"I am not blushing. Pffftttt no what the hell are you talking about?" I say pulling myself back into my seat while sipping my coffee. I kept sinking in my seat and started looking anywhere but him.

"Mhmmmm alright whatever you say sweetheart." He says smirking.

"Let's go i am finished." I say standing up and started walking outside knowing Leo will follow me. Walking outside i saw the same waitress who was being a bitch earlier and then i passed the most sickly sweet smiled to her while Leo catched up to me and placed his arm on my shoulders and we walked out to his car. I was about to open the door when Leo opened it for me i smiled and muttered a thank you while sitting inside. He sat inside and we drove off. As usual he placed his hand on my thigh.

Oh God what the fuck is wrong with me?

"So what's the plan where are we going?" I asked while looking at him and playing some music.

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