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"What's your plan for the Halloween party tomorrow you are gonna be there right?" Liv asks me bouncing on her seat with a coffee in her hand.

"How much coffee did you have today?" Tyler asks her sitting next to her in my living room an arm behind her on the couch.

"5 or 6 but like that is not the point." She says sipping on her coffee. Tyler looked at her with his eyes wide. In a second he took the coffee from her hand and threw it in the bin. I chuckled at them. Liv was about to yell at him so i answered her question.

"I don't know liv i don't really feel like it." I said genuinely not wanting to be there. I look at the entrance door waiting for Leo who is late.

"Wait wait what no way Rose you are coming." Livia says.

"Liv i don't know i'll ask Leo tho." As soon as i say this the front door opens.

"Hey bitches i am here let's get this party started." Matt yells stepping into the apartment with Leo behind him rolling his eyes.

"Ask me what?" Leo says walking over to me, leaning down and giving me a kiss on top of my head. I grin at him and he sits down next to me on the floor.

"Halloween party." Livia answers him.

"What about it?" He says raising his brows.

"Livia wants me to be there." I say leaning into him. "You gonna be there?" I ask.

"If you want me to be then ofcourse babe." He wraps his hand around my waist as i put my head on his shoulder.

"So cute but sickening." Matt says.

"Yeah Matthew just like your unicorn panties." I say smiling everyone bursts out laughing and Matt glares at me.

"I thought we were over this nonsense." Matt says.

"No Matty dear i am not ever letting this go." I say smiling still.

"Whatever." Matt says groaning.

"Yeah matty dear whatever." I say so fucking tired not having energy to do anything. As if Leo noticed this he placed another kiss on my head.

"You didn't sleep last night did you?" Leo says keeping his voice down.

"You have no idea. Tho i can go on not having sleep for like a day or 2 but i haven't really slept in like 3 days." I say adjusting myself on the ground so that my head is his lap as i lay down.

"We can leave if you are not feeling well y'know." Liv says. I open my one of my eyes only to see her looking at me concerned.

"Naah babe am good." I open both of my eyes because if i don't i will fall asleep by the way Leo is massaging my head. "Hand me a beer guys." I say sitting up and kissing Leo on the cheek.

"Where is your brother?" Tyler asks handing me my beer and passing more around to everyone.

"On a date." I say casually sipping on my beer. Leo kisses me on my head and grin at him.

"Guys let's do something i am really fucking bored." Matt says.

"Wanna play some arcade games?" I say with a straight face. Matthew scoffs and everyone takes a while to understand what i did. As soon as they did they a bursted out laughing.

"What is up is it pick on Matthew day?" He says rolling his eyes.

"Alright i will stop." I say laughing. "Actually i am bored too what do y'all wanna do?"

"What are you planning to do for the costume?" Livia says.

"I have something in mind. You will see." I say sipping on my 5th or 6th beer.

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