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It has been a week since me and Leo had gone to that date/ not a date. Since me and Leo kissed. He dropped me off after our date/ not date. I was so happy that night but my happiness came to an end when i tried to sleep but had the worst nightmare. This whole week has just been filled with constant nightmares. I haven't had any sleep these days. This whole week Leo has been so great with me taking full care of me walking me to my class holding my bag for me anything he could for me he would. He has been worried about me because apparently 'i am not my usual cheery self' his words not mine. Today is monday and i haven't had any sleep so i have just been standing on my balcony staring at stars. Cold air was blowing hitting my bare skin on my legs. It sure was cold but i felt better than before. It was 3 am and i stood there for 2 hours. It was about 5 am when i decided to take a shower.

I took the longest shower. Warm water making my sore muscles relax a bit. I got out of the shower after an hour and decided to put some effort into my outfit. After sitting in a towel for the longest time and not wanting to do anything i got up and chose my outfit for the day. I decided on wearing a cropped black top, black straight legged jeans and a black white patched looking cardigan.

I quickly put my makeup on which was concealer, pink gloss and some mascara

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I quickly put my makeup on which was concealer, pink gloss and some mascara. My eyes bags were so deep that i could easily hide a dead body or two in there. After that i pick up my bag and leave my room. I check the time and i still have 10 minutes till i have to leave.

"Hey Lexi." I say grinning like an idiot.

"Hey rosie." He says while rolling his eyes. "Nightmare again?"

I take a deep breath "yeah".

"Why are they so frequent?" He takes a deep breath and continues. "Don't be angry. Don't you think you should see someone about this?"

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Like a therapist." He says looking concerned about how i was going to react.

"I know what you meant i just-"

"Just think about it please" Alex says his eyes almost pleading.

"Alright." I say getting tired of this conversation and the whole day already.

I ate my breakfast quickly and Lex dropped me off. I speed walked to my friends and greeted them. Everyone was there except Leo.

"Where is Leo?" I ask.

"Ofcourse the first thing you ask is where is your lover boy?" Matthew says.

"Shut it Mat." I say glaring at him

"Oh God rose you are literally blushing even at the thought of him." Liv says

"No the fuck i am not blushing." I say looking away from everyone.

"Oh wow the big bad Rosalyn sure is blushing." Tyler says.

I was about to answer but the voice who i have been missing since yesterday echos in the corridor. "Stop teasing her you fuckers." Leo says as he places his arm around my shoulder and kisses me on my cheek. I blush and get even closer to him. As this is going on i hear loud gasp from my side. Fuck Fuck Fuck i haven't told anything about this to anyone.

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