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I woke up the next morning with a pillow between my arms instead of the girl i love. Fuck i can't explain how lucky i feel. I can't understand how can anyone hate a girl like her. She is the most kind hearted, beautiful person i have ever met. I have made it my mission to make her see herself how i see her. The perfect beautiful woman she is.

I walk out of the bathroom straight to the living room. The smell of hot chocolate filled up my senses. I look inside the kitchen expecting to see my mom making hit chocolate as she does each Christmas morning. But instead Rosalyn stood there in my hoodie making hot chocolate with a trey of freshly baked cookies. Talking to poppy, who was sitting on the counter. Poppy laughed loudly listening to something My beautiful Rose had said. Rosalyn looked up when she felt my presence. She gave me the grin ever which made me match hers. I walk over to her smiling she tiptoed and kissed my jaw. I bent down to give her access to my lips. She gave ne a peck before pulling herself back.

"Merry Christmas Grey." She said grinning. I pecked her once again.

"Merry Christmas baby." I said then i heard Isabella and mom pile into the kitchen. Mom sees us all standing and goes to hug Rose then kisses her on her cheeks.

"Merry Christmas Sweetheart." Mom says then hugs me. All of us wish eachother Merry Christmas.

"I made hot chocolate and cookies." She says pouring it in cups for everyone. Mom looked at her with awe.

"Oh honey you didn't have to do that." My mom says cupping Rosalyn's cheeks in her hands. My beautiful Rose smiles at my mom. This scene was too special not to capture i took my phone out and clicked a few pictures quickly.

"I know but i just wanted to do something. You have taken such good care of me. So it was the smallest thing i could have done for you." My sweet Rosalyn tells mom and mom looked at her with such adoration and love my heart melted.

"Oh honey. I honestly think of you as my own child. You never have to return any favor. Mothers don't do favors for their children alright? But i really appreciate you for doing this. You are no less than Leo, Isabella or Penelope alright?" Mom says and Rosalyn's eyes fill up with tear as she looks at me and i smile at her.

"Gifts, gifts, gifts." Poppy starts yelling all us laugh as she makes grabby hands towards Rosalyn to pick her up. She picks her up and i pick up the cups of hot chocolate and make my towards the Christmas tree set up in the living room. My girl had convinced us to set up the tree saying that the house needs some life and Christmas decorations. We all had put our gifts under the tree last night. Rose got placed Poppy on my lap and bent down to pick everyone's gift. First she walked up to poppy and handed her a big wrapped box.

"Poppy sweetie what do you say?" Mom says and poppy grins.

"Thank you Roalyn." Everyone exchange gifts. After a while Poppy started getting sleepy so mom went to put her to bed taking Bells with her. We all went to our rooms after exchanging out gifts.

Then Rosalyn walks over to me and hands me a box. I opened it and the first thing that caught my eye was a framed picture. It was picture of me sitting on the ground one arm in the air with Poppy hanging off of it. My mom sitting behind me on the couch smiling at us and Bella laid in my lap. I had the biggest grin on my face. My dimples which were rarely on sight completely showing. I looked at her she was smiling nervously. Then a bracelet with both our initials on one side and then a date on the other.


The date we went on our first date/non-date this is what she calls it. Then there was another thing in that box a sketch of me and her in eachother's arms. The most eye catching and beautiful part of the whole sketch were my eyes. They looked full of life. I looked at her. Then back at the sketch.

"If you don't like it i can get you something else. I-" i shut her up by placing my lips on hers. I pull back and she grinned at me.

"I love it Baby. This is the best gift i have ever gotten." She smiles again and i hand her the gift i had gotten for her. Fuck i don't even know if she would like it or not. I was nervous as fuck to say the least.

"Leo you didn't have to get me anything." I roll my eyes at her but the smile on my face didn't dare leaving. She opened my gift. It was a simple silver bracelet with a panda charm on it identical to the one i won for her at the damn arcade. It was reminder of the first time this woman had hugged me and had already wrapped me around her tiny ass fingers. Then a few hoodies which i sprayed with my perfume. She held the bracelet in her hand tears already forming in her eyes. But i knew she had liked the gift because of the heart stopping grin she had on her face.

"Leo i have no words i love it. I love it so much." She says i turn around to place the box on to the bed. Then i felt her small finger pull me back by the waist band of my trousers i let her pull me towards her but as soon as i got close enough i pinned her to my wall. She looked at me with wide eyes. I bend down to her ear.

"Fuck baby. You should do that more often." I say as i bit down her earlobe. She giggles and i pull back to look at her and she smiles at me. Not a big smile but a small sensual one that is just for me which tugs my heart. "You are so beautiful." A tint of red starts making its way to her face. The tip of her nose turns pink. I place a kiss on her nose and she closes her eyes. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

"Leo." Rose squeals but then starts laughing. I throw her onto the bed and then climb onto her. I nuzzle my face into her and she shivers at the sensation of my nose dragging down her collar bone. I smile against her neck as i place a kiss on her collar bone. Her hand comes to ny hair she starts tugging on my hair. Fuck she knows how much i love it when she touches my hair. "I Love You."

"Say it again." I say pulling up my body weight by my elbows. I kiss her nose again. A big smile crosses over his face and then she giggles as i place a few more kisses on her face.

"I love you." She places a kiss on my forehead. "I love you." Another one on my nose. "I love you." Then another one on my lips. I grab her neck as too deepen the kiss. I bit down on her lower lip before pulling away.

"Fuck baby I Love You so much. You don't know how fucking lucky i am to be loved by you. You are so fucking gorgeous. I promise to worship the ground you walk on baby. I love yoh so damn much." I look into her eyes as thet well up with tears.

"Stop it. You are gonna make me cry." She says and i place another kiss on her beautiful big pouty lips.

"I am just telling you what you should expect being loved by me." I place a kiss on her forehead and play back down. We lay there in eachother's arm. Rosalyn kept playing my hair. I kept playing with hers.

"Have i ever told you how much i love your eyes? They were the first thing that caught my eye. They looked so blue like the ocean." She told me and i hum in peace as a wave of sleepiness takes over me. I nuzzled my head into her chest to pull her close and tangled my legs with her. We layed there embracing eachother's presence. She played with my hair and i played with hers which pooled around me as i nuzzled my face in her neck. As i twirled her hair around my fingers her  breathing getting calm as i listened to heart beat. She was asleep i placed a kiss on her pulse and laid in her arms. If there was a piece of heaven on earth it would be right here for me. A euphoric feeling took over me, so fucking perfect and she is mine. My last thought before falling asleep was how much i love her.

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