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After our conversation in the garden we both went back inside. I don't know why we got to school early today there is still some time left till our classes start. I have Maths first which i obviously hate.

"Ughhhhh i hate school" I say rubbing my eyes. Liv just looks at me and laughs.

"Which is ironic regarding the fact you are a big time nerd. Who gets straight A's" I roll my eyes at this.

"I am not a nerd. Not that being a nerd is but i can't categorize myself as a nerd. Ughhh i wanna go home and sleep" I groan.

Liv was about to say something but the bitch of the year comes out of nowhere.

"Well well well if it isn't the purple haired freak and her weird Bitchy friend" Michelle says. I swear this bitch has some nerve.

"Well well well if it isn't the colour blind girl and well i would say friends but no one bother to talk to you" I counter back mimicking her tone. "And for the record Michelle its lavender not purple and secondly atleast we are not as boring and fake as you are." I sweetly smile at her.

"Fake and boring really this what you can come up with you freak. I guess you are not as smart as everyone thinks you ar-"

"Ughhhhhhhhhh i am really not in the mood" I groan cutting her off. I am getting really annoyed now.

"You bitch how dare you cut me off while i was talki-"

"Omg please stop talking" I literally whine this time but she still doesn't stop.

"You have some nerve cutting me off Bla-"

"Girl please stop embarrassing yourself further. Just stop." Me and Liv say at the same. We both looked at eachother shocked at the coordination. We look at eachother blink a few times we can not hold in our laughs. And just start laughing while there is a furious looking Michelle standing there looking at us as if she is gonna murder us. But then she just gives up as always. Laughing our asses off we high-five.

Then i look around and found a familiar face staring at us amused like there is a show going on. I recognize the face. Its the same guy from the ice cream parlour he is surrounded by two more guys they seem to be talking to him but he looks like he isn't paying much attention to them. He is just standing there staring at me looking gorgeous as ever in his simple white tee, black jeans and black leather jacket. We are both staring at each other. I realize i have never seen them around the school so i guess they are the new kids Mr.Principal told me about and asked me to show them around the campus.

Liv clears her throat and look at her. Then she says,"whats going on with you and that new kid?"

"Huh? What? Nothing's going on."

"Mhmmm i am not blind you never even look at guys in our school. And this staring going on between you two is intense." She laughs. "Is there something going on between you two?" she says wriggling her eye brows.

"Girl what no its just-" I really got saved by the bell and by the looks of it she is not gonna leave the topic soon.

"I have to go now" I say while grabbing my stuff. I start to walk away and she laughs.

"Hey wait" A deep voice calls out to me.

I turn around and smile at him. He is one of the guys standing there with the mystery guy. They all are new.

"Are you Rosalyn?" He asks me.

"Yes. I am. Nice to meet you...?" I say while tilting my head still holding a smile on my face.

"I am Tyler. And nice to meet you too the principal told us you would show us around the campus"

"Oh yeah yeah i am sorry i didn't know who the new kids were. You can come around lunch time and i will show you guys around"

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