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The car ride back home is going quiet awkward to say the least. The gym was about half an hour away from my apartment. I don't even know how i managed to run that far.

"What happened?" He says looking at the road.

"Nothing why do you think something happened?" I say not wanting to talk about it.

"I am not blind Rosalyn i can see your hands. Why the fuck are they all bandaged up? We were all so fucking worried. You were not answering your goddamn phone." Leo says.

"I do not want to talk about it."

"Baby tell me something maybe then i could help you. I am worried about you. Atleast fucking tell me something stop pushing me away. I was so fucking worried. Stop doing this to me i know something fucking happened. Stop running from your problems."

"Nothing fucking happened i am sorry for worrying you and i am sorry for being so fucking childish you do not need to worry about me."

"Baby that's not what i meant." He says as he tries to grab my hand and i pull it away. The car comes to a stop. "Rose-" he starts speaking but i get out of the car without giving him a chance to speak.

I bolt up to apartment and contemplate wether to go inside or not. I quickly and quietly open the door not to alert Alex, but as soon i get inside i see that Alex was in living room waiting for me. It was about 11 when i entered the apartment and i was not in the mood to get interrogated. As soon as i was in veiw Alex got up and hugged me.

"Too tight brother dearest i cannot breath." I say.

"Do not fucking scare me like that again. Where were you? What happened to your hand?" Alex was speaking too fast if he didn't slow down, one of us was going to have a stroke.

"Alex, Lex calm down alright?" Alex looks at me and grabs my face.

"Who the fuck did this?" Lex says.

"Did what?"

"There is a fucking hand print on your face. Who did this? What happened?"

"Bitch happened." I say looking away from him.

"Who?"  He asked genuinely confused.

"Ex womb lord."

"What do you mean? She fucking hit you?" Then realization shows across his face. " I am going to ask this once alright and you are going to answer truthfully."


"No just answer my question truthfully. Do not Lex me." I hesitantly nod and he continues "that wasn't the first time Warren or mom put their hands on you. Was it?" My eyes widen,my breath was stuck in my throat, my eyes fill up with tears. I looked down trying to avoid his gaze and also trying to hide the tears in my eyes. My silence seemed to answer his question quiet nicely. Alex sat down on the sofa and held his head in his hands. "Fuck how can i be this fucking blind? My little sister was being treated this way under my own fucking nose. How how?" He sobs and i do what i am best at i run away from my problems. I go to my bed and lay down crying and sobbing. All i know is that i cried till i couldn't stay awake.

"No dad no don't please don't do this."

"Dad please dad i love you dad please don't."



"Rose." I felt a pair of hands shake me continuesly.

"Wake up rosie it's all an nightmare. Rosie." I wake up drenched in sweat, breathing heavily. I quickly jump up and hug Alex tightly. I don't reply instead i kept breathing heavily into his chest.

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