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Did i really just kiss him (well on the cheek but that is besides the point.) What possessed me to do that? And why am i thinking about it that much. It doesn't matter does it, it was just a peck on the cheek. Yeah yeah cool cool cool it doesn't matter.

If you're wondering these are my thoughts while taking a cold shower. After that peck on the cheek i quickly ran into my apartment building and straight into my apartment. I quickly took of my shoes and went straight into the shower. I took a quick shower and wore a Grey oversized t-shirt with black shorts. I let my hair air-dry and quickly moisturized my whole body then got out of the bathroom. I checked my phone to see if Leo messaged me. I immediately smiled seeing that he messaged me.

Mr. Grumpy pants 😠😒😏: i have reached home safely. Hope you don't miss me too much.

As usual i rolled my eyes.

Me:oh no too late for that i don't know what i am gonna do. Oh how do i survive without you.

Mr. Grumpy pants 😠😒😏: don't start what you can't finish babe next thing you know i am standing outside your apartment.

Me:mhmmm yeah sure go to sleep "babe"

Mr. Grumpy pants 😠😒😏: alright babe sleep tight try not to dream too much about me.

Me:bye Grey.

Mr. Grumpy pants 😠😒😏:bye Black

I roll my eyes as i make my way towards the living room where i see my brother watching tv. As soon as he sees me he gives a mischievous smile. "What was the rush huh?" Oh shit i didn't even notice he was sitting here the whole time.

"What rush?" I try to dodge the question.

"Well if it wasn't nothing you wouldn't as red as you are now. Awww my little sister has a crushhhhhh." He says the last part in a sing song voice. I pick up a cushion and throw it on him but he catches it with one hand while laughing.


"No i don't have a crush. Shut up." I say while sitting beside him.

"Sure you don't. Anyways how was the date?"

"It wasn't a date." I say rolling my eyes then narrowing my eyes at him. He puts his hands up in the air as a surrender still laughing.

"Alright alright how was the dinner with your.........future boyfriend's family?"

"ALEXANDER JAYDEN BLACK DON'T MAKE ME WANT TO KILL YOU." i said putting my hands on my hips standing up and narrowing my eyes at him. He smiles nervously while gulping and i smirk knowing i got him where i want to be.

"Alright no more teasing so how did the dinner go?" He smiles at me genuinely and i hurry up and run to the kitchen to grab a tub of my favorite ice-cream. I come back Alex looks at me and shakes his head while there is a small smile still on his lips. Then i start telling him about the dinner while leaving some parts out. We both eat the ice-cream and Alex starts to yawn so i tell him to go to sleep. I check the the time and it's nearly 3 in the morning so put the ice-cream back in the freezer and make my way back in to my room.

I lay on my bed trying to fall asleep. I spend about 20 minutes tossing and turning and i still cannot sleep. So i make my way to the book shelf in my room and pick a book to read then i walk to my balcony to read in the fresh air. As i am reading my book my phone ping to alert me that i have a message. Why would someone message me at this time? I open the message and smile seeing that Leo messaged me.

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