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Once me and Liv got home, Liv was barely awake i was surprised how she even managed to stay awake the whole ride back. I basically had to carry her to the bed her dramatic ass was acting like she was drunk.

And yes i did get an earful once i got home from Alex. Kinda my fault but not really but still i should've told him that i was going somewhere after the whole incident he has been protective of me.

And right now we are at school talking to Leo and Tyler. Well not really talking since he isn't really talking he only answers some of my questions but oh well still an achievement. Its lunch break the boys are also sitting at our table. While making fun of Matthew. Well about the dare that i gave him.

So the dare was that he had to pretend that he ripped his pants infront of the whole school and had to wear a funny looking undies underneath.

Yes i know that is a stupid dare but couldn't think of anything else.

And guess what he was wearing a rainbows and unicorns boxer. Well since it was stupid but it worked everyone got a good laugh out of it.

"You dumbass why the hell do you own a rainbow and fucking horse boxers?" Tyler asks.

"It was not a horse it was a unicorn." He corrected making the situation even funnier.

"Awww you are so cute." I pinch his cheeks and he glares at me while slapping my hands away. And we all lose it and start to laugh uncontrollably and Leo chuckles.

"Well still didn't answer my question." Tyler says while laughing.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up" He almost growls. And we all lose it again.

This time everyone is eating and i am so happy that everyone is eating. I got a slice of pizza,fries and chicken tenders and i notices that Leo doesn't eat his own nor did he get any food but likes to steal fries and tenders from my plate but atleast he is eating.

"So guys there is a party this weekend wanna go?" Liv asks.

"Whose party is it?" Matthew asks.

"Brad. My boyfriend's." Liv says.

"Ewwww Liv i was eating that is disgusting." I whine as i push my plate away and Leo pulls it back towards me.

"Ro-Ro come on it will be fun." Liv says with those damn puppy eyes.

Ughhh those fucking puppy eyes will be the death of me.

"Well don't know about y'all but i am in." Matthew says.

"Me too." Tyler adds in.

"Well i invited you all so i am in too." Liv says looking at me. "That leaves you and Leo."

Leo looks at me i roll my eyes and say. "Fuck you and never call me that name again." Glaring at Liv.

"So you coming?" Liv asks.

"Only because i love you." I roll my eyes again.

"What about you Leo?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." He says calmly. But when i look at Tyler and Matthew they looked shocked.

"What the fuck Leo you never go to parties." Tyler says.

Leo glares at both of them and they quickly shut their mouths. "Well there is a first for everything isn't it." I say.

"Especially when you are around." Tyler mumbles to himself quietly but due to me being a nosy person i heard it.

What the fuck does that suppose to mean.

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