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                      LEO'S POV 
After our conversation in the hallway before going into class. She seemed more relaxed than before. Today she seemed tired but still managed to pass small smiles my way. She has started to grow on me. Maths class passed with me sitting right next to her. Her passing small notes to me trying to talk and if it was anybody else i would have not paid attention or maybe would have scrunched up the note and threw it on the ground. Then most of the lectures passed with me wanting to die due to how boring the lectures were and mainly because she wasn't there with me. All of the lectures passed and now it was lunch i was fucking happy to say the least to go to lunch because that meant she would be there with me. I already missed her beautiful big green eyes, her beautiful pink lips. Her blabbing about stuff.

Right now i was waiting for her anxiously. While Tyler and Matthew sat infront of me. Then i felt her presence i knew she was here my eyes started searching for her. As soon as i saw her she waved at me and i waved back. She stood in the lunch line i begrudgingly turned my head towards the two idiots sitting infront of me gaping.

"What?" I gritted out

"I- umm nothing dude just wanted say. You. Are. Fucking. Whip-" Matthew speaks up and i cut him off

"Shut up before i punch you in your fucking balls." I said glaring as he held his hands up in surrender and Tyler laughed.

"What are you guys talking about?" She speaks softly while sitting down next to me and i immediately move closer to her to touch her leg to mine. Her friend also sits down on the opposite side of us with Tyler.

"Nothing just manly stuff." Matthew speaks up and Tyler slaps his head.

"Yeah i don't wanna know." She says while pushing her plate of food between both of us.

I started to eat fries off of her plate. I knew that she knew i liked eating out of her plate but i noticed that since she noticed that i was eating out of her plate she started to bring food for almost two people and always kept the plate between both of us. At first she only filled her plate with 2 or 3 tender and maybe 18 to 19 fries. Yes i counted so what. But now she always brings the double of what she used to bring.

Why does she have to be so perfect?

Shut up brain.

"Hey" She said looking at me with her big beautiful green eyes

"Hey?" I said back.

"Thank you for the reassurance today i really needed it." She said as she looked a bit embarrassed and fiddling nervously with her finger in her lap while lookin at food as if it was the most interesting thing in the damn world.

"No need to say thank you i just said what was true." I shrugged.

Rest of the lunch went by smoothly she talked about different things i just listened to her then the bell rang.

                 ROSALYN'S POV

We all started walking towards our lockers which were close to eachother i was talking to everyone until i heard some noise.

"Aww look at her isn't she such a cutie with her chubby cheeks." Michelle said

"I-i please just let me go. Please." The poor girl whoever it was sounded like she was going to cry.

"Awww why do you want to leave the fun just started"

"Let.Me.Go" The girl yelled

"You fat bitch how dare you talk to me like that."

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