Volume 1, Act 05: Attempting the Trial Product

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A few days after shed gotten acquainted with Vernoux, Cordelia tried to talk to the head chef about the matter regarding rosemary.

If she could get her hands on rosemary in its fresh state, then she should be able to make a superior version of the dried rosemary being sold at the markets. She wanted to get her hands on them, grow them and increase the amount. Then, she wanted the head chef to make the best cuisine from it; or so she tried to ask.

Without delay, the head chef accepted those words; which came off as overly self-conscious for a small child. He also promised that he would obtain stock for her from abroad.

As a matter of fact, it seemed that the head chef, who had only seen dried rosemary before, had obtained a potted rosemary sapling in the past. He wanted to prepare the materials to make the best dish. He wholeheartedly tried towards that goal. However, perhaps because of magic-related reasons, the rosemary wasnt able to take root properly and soon withered away. Therefore, he frankly told Cordelia that if there were a possibility, then he would like to cooperate with her.

Hearing those words, Cordelia decided in her heart that if she could procure rosemary stock, then she would perfect the way to make good quality dried herb.

In the first place, the quality of the rosemary that she could obtain was still not bad, even if it couldnt be judged as good as what Cordelia saw in her previous life, she wouldnt go as far as to say that the quality was poor. Drying itself was typically done to prevent mould and would commonly be used, even if the result wasnt the one she desired.

However, common just wouldnt do. Magic, which existed in this world, was evidently reduced when drying the herbs. If magic was retained in the herb, then the results would probably be better.

The head chef said that rosemary, with a fragrance strong enough to negate stenches, grew in kingdoms to the west; the ones in the east had a weaker scent and the ones planted in the north had an even weaker smell than the ones in the east. That knowledge was probably obtained due to the enthusiasm of chefs. Cordelia thought that the experience acquired by tradesmen was terrific, and at the same time, she was delighted that her plan was progressing.

Well then, Im sorry to ask this of you, but could I trouble you to obtain some rosemary from these three places; the eastern and western kingdoms, as well as our own? The rosemary from our kingdom may by no means be inferior to the others. For example, if the manner in which it is dried isnt good, it might be a splendid specimen for all we know.

Are you sure?

I wouldnt know unless I see it, but I believe that comparing both would be best. What do you say?

Well, I think a large quantity would be difficult, but I think we should be able to get one or two relatively fast.

Then, Ill trouble you with that. If we consider that it would increase by time, then it shouldnt be a problem. Im looking forward to eating more delicious food cooked by you. After all, its a shame to not be able to utilise those skills of yours fully.

While talking to the head chef in such a manner, Cordelia felt like a load had been taken off her shoulders at the promise of obtaining rosemary. It was regrettable that she might only be able to procure a small amount, but it shouldnt be a problem if she could get her hands on them. It was possible for her to increase her stock since it was rosemary, and, if she didnt need them immediately, then she could get her hands on more. Including cultivation, mass production could be considered in the span of a few years. Even if it turned out that the ones from the western kingdom were the best for cooking, there might be a possibility that the ones from her own kingdom would be more favourable in terms of scent. If she could get her hands on both varieties of rosemary, then it would be too much for her to want more than that.

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