Volume 4, Act 34: Muffin and the Boy Part 1

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Cordelia tried to return to her book, but she realised that Gille and Vernoux werent reading, and were writing something.

What are you two doing?

Vernoux showed Cordelia the book he was holding when she asked that. The book had some pictures of medicinal herbs, but the names of the herbs werent written in the book.

Our task is to name the herbs. We have to guess the name of the herbs in the picture and write down their traits in this notebook. Sensei said we can look at the books on that shelf, so we can look up things we dont know. And we have to remember them one by one.

Vernoux continued while pointing at the book and notebook. That notebook is probably something he brought with him. I should have prepared one too, she thought, but nothing could be done about it now. I have to make sure not to forget one the next time.

(Oh yeah, I can use Laras pencil here if its completed to a certain extent. Its easier to carry around than a pen and Vernoux-sama also seemed interested in it.

I really want to show it to him No, I want to show him the complete product. I forget about it if I dont think about it, but he is the heir to the Flantheim House. If he likes it and uses it in a public place, then I can probably get good advertisement.

(Of course, it was made for the village children to use while studying, but I can also get more funding if it sells. Luckily, the Pameradia fief has a lot of timber, and I can make it a new speciality- I wonder if this is just wishful thinking.)

But in any case, making money is a good thing.

I dont have the confidence to make plastic erasers right away, but I can make bread erasers. If I can, I want to sell that together with the pencil.

(Well, leaving that aside for now Its more important to distinguish the difference between similar flowers right now. There was also a lot of news in Japan about accidents happening because of similar herbs, huh.)

I remember seeing news on accidents such as people mistaking Chinese chives and daffodils or mistaking poisonous mushrooms for edible ones.

(It can also be life-threatening. I have to remember how to tell them apart.)

Cordelia thought that and checked the book that she was given. The hand that she used to open the cover was a little stiff from tension.

There was no introduction in the book that she had been given and it was filled with content about plants from the beginning. The left page had the herb drawn from many angles and the left page contained the herbs name, traits, cultivation conditions and usage.

(Not a lot of books in the library at home had cultivation methods in them, and the pictures didnt have as many angles like this.)

The amount they could publish is probably different too.

The books in the library at the Pameradia House described a wide selection of herbs. They probably didnt include the habitat because the books included poisonous herbs. On the other hand, this book could be found in the vicinity of the Royal Capital, or even on main roads, and contained a careful selection of herbs that were easy to grow. They could probably provide more details if they didnt publish many copies. This was perhaps the best book for Cordelia if the Green Witch assumed that she was interested in universal herbs.

(But, theres too much information here for an introduction to these herbs. Especially the companion plants. Its extensive.)

Companion plants are plants that provide a positive effect when grown with other crops, such as vegetables; ――― for example, plants that keep insects away.

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