Volume 06, Act 60: Determination Intensify Part 3

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles


The day of the evening party.

She received a letter stating that Hazel would be going to get Kaylie first, so she wanted Cordelia to go there by herself. 『Im going to fix Kaylie-samas makeup! Shes hiding her lovely face!』, Hazel had written.

(The fact that Kaylie-sama has her face hidden means that her bangs are still long even though shes dressed up?)

They had solved the『Jet Black』misunderstanding, but she still hid her eyes with her hair because, Im used to this so its embarrassing.

(This should be left to the Hazel sisters temperaments.)

Im sure theyll make Kaylie-sama pretty so I wont be that meddlesome, she thought as she headed towards the Harshi House.

Cordelia was immediately greeted by the wife when she arrived at the Harshi mansion.

She looked gorgeous and strong-willed, as expected of someone who could compete with Nirupama.

Its been a while, Cordelia-san. Im so happy you can be here today.

Im honoured to hear that you had invited me through Hazel-sama.

No way. I wanted to ask you a favour, so Im grateful that you have come.

You wanted to ask a favour?

Contrary to her words, she was talking in a fairly open place.

The wife smiled when Cordelia tilted her head in confusion.

Ive heard that the Pameradia House has a really nice bathhouse. Can I visit?

Excuse me? If you want to, then with pleasure.

Maybe shell be interested in footbaths too? And saying its a『nice bathhouse』instead of a『bathhouse』sounds as if she had heard it from someone else.

Thank you very much. To tell you the truth, the servants at my house said that they heard from the people working at your house that you have a very nice bathhouse. Apparently, the bath you use is lovely, but I heard that the bath that the servants use is lovely as well.

Cordelia deeply thanked the servants who were her testers and smiled.

Our bathhouse is used as a place for testers to try out products. Our magicians put a lot of work into constructing the facility, so please take your time to enjoy it.

Thank you very much. Then, please talk to me more about it later.


But is it alright to end the conversation here? Cordelia thought that the conversation ended a lot faster than she thought it was and was curious. Then, the wife hid her mouth with her fan.

Say, Cordelia-san. Id like to say something selfish, but Can we have tea after Im done looking around?

Cordelia also got her point when the wife said that. I see, she wants to secretly talk more then.

Yes, of course.

Thank you again.

She thought that the conversation had ended this time, but she heard what the wife said as she whispered into her fan.

See that, Nirupama. I can talk to Cordelia-san!

She somehow understood that she was competing against her aunt for some reason.

They have a really good relationship, Cordelia desperately tried to hold down her laughter. Im sure their personalities are similar.

Cordelia-san, please take your time. Theres no rude people here, so please have fun.

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