Volume 06, Act 62: Your Name Is... Part 1

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

The day after the Stargazing Banquet.

Cordelia had planned on living her life as it was before the banquet, but because she was attacked by magic, she had to undergo various examinations the next day, and even all her plans had been changed.

Fortunately, it was determined that she hadnt suffered any adverse effects, and she was finally able to return to her daily routine from noon.

Three days after the examinations.

Cordelia was in the laboratory with Ronnie, but she wasnt able to concentrate on writing.

Ojou-sama, what are you planning on doing to that?


I dont think you can use that paper anymore.

Cordelia quickly looked at her hand when she heard what Ronnie had said. She had unconsciously stopped moving her hand while writing, and the paper was filled with ink.

Ill rewrite it.

Thats what I thought. Well, a lot of things happened, so isnt it fine if you take things slowly? Ah, the cloak has been washed. The dress and the ornament seem like theyll stain a little though.


While thanking Ronnie for being a skilful magician, Cordelia felt like sighing since she had to confront the problem that she wanted to put off.

(I have to meet His Highness)

She thought and felt down.

Even if the sinister cause was gone, avoiding the Prince was already a conditioned reflex for her. Furthermore, she didnt know how to talk to him when she thought that he might be Gille.

(If His Highness is Gille-sama, then hes been hiding his identity for eight years already, right? Am I that untrustworthy? No, if I were told that Gille-sama is His Highness, then we wouldnt have gotten along in the first place, and this hasnt been confirmed yet!)

Cordelia never imagined that she would be worried by this. It would have been obvious had he only changed his hair colour like Vernoux did, but he changed his hairdo, his hair colour, his eye colour and his magic presence.

But while she was worrying about this, Cordelia felt Ronnie stare at her.

Whats wrong?

Ojou-sama, I just thought once again that you never betray my expectations for the better or worse. I know that you were the victim this time, but I was surprised that this happened as a result of you approaching Clydereine-jou. I always tell you not to do anything dangerous.

Cordelia softened her expression at Ronnies complaint.

Ojou-sama, its not funny.

Im not laughing. Im just grateful that you said that.

Well, your opponent was just a mere lady, so one wouldnt normally think that she would suddenly cast a curse like that, so I guess it cant be helped

Still, Ronnie groaned as if he wasnt quite convinced. He must have been really worried about her.

As for Shelley, it seemed that she really did try to cast a curse.

However, her curse didnt force the person to act against their will like Laras curse had been. Her curse intensified peoples hatred for the target and increased the possibility of the target getting wounded or killed.

Shelley stated in her investigation with the knights that『there was someone who cast a charm on me so that I can use magic better』, but since the magic technique originated from Dulaus, Earl Clydereines family was also being investigated.

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