Volume 2, Act 15: The Girl with the Dark Brown Hair Part 1

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A few days after the Flantheim House evening party.

Cordelia secluded herself up in her laboratory and thought about essential oils.

(A fragrance that Sara-sama would like. A fragrance that Sara-sama would like.)

Three days after the evening party, Nirupama had taken Cordelia out, as if she was kidnapping her, and they visited the Flantheim mansion once again. The Marquees greeted them with plenty of sweets, so Cordelia enjoyed those first. She observed the conversation between Nirupama and Sara, and then showed Sara the essential oils she had, other than the rose one.

They all smell nice.

Are there any you like?

Well, I want to try them all, but I just dont know where to start.

I also brought some perfumes and balms that I have. I hope that you would try them also.

Thanks. Im very happy.

Sara looked as happy as shed said she was. But then, Cordelia noticed something.

Sara-sama probably doesnt like all the fragrances here, she just hadnt found something thats caught her eye.

She thought that and concentrated her magic in her eyes, and looked at the magic colour that was surrounding Sara. She memorised the hue and thought about what blend would work well for that hue of magic.

(Of course, Im sure Sara-sama would be happy even if I dont blend it for her, but its worth it if shes happy.)

For now, Sara could just use the things that Cordelia had given her. She was still thinking of a blend for Sara, but it might have been faster just to listen to her impressions of the ones she had used. However, if she was really to think about blends seriously, then she wanted more kinds of essential oils. Should I search for more herb habitats in the library? Cordelia was really troubled over where to start.

(And then This has nothing to do with fragrances, but it might be good to change the plain dark reddish-brown bottles into something cuter.)

The colour might not be easy to change, in order to prevent a change in quality, but there are many ways I could make the label. The bottle Im using now is easy to use, but its a bit boring.

Cordelia thought about it as she took a small bottle from the table.

Hey, Ojou-sama.

Whats wrong, Ronnie?

Arent you pushing yourself a little too hard? Youre spending more time on that chair than usual. Why dont you take a little break?

Ronnie told her that and Cordelia tilted her head. She had no intentions of pushing herself too hard.

But, she did feel like her shoulders were a little stiff when she moved them. Apparently, what Ronnie had said wasnt wrong.

(I wonder if I was more distracted from my encounter with Prince-sama than I thought.)

They hadnt talked that much, and she intended on feeling relieved after she reconfirmed that shed avoided him, but apparently, she was more aware of him than she had thought she was.

(But, I cant help it, my life is at stake.)

Will I be reflected in Prince-samas eyes as 『just a normal lady』? She was a little worried about that, but the current her had no way of knowing the answer. Of course, she could find the answer to a certain extent if she asked Vernoux, but then that would cause misunderstandings, and she couldnt ask when she knew he was probably going to tease her more.

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