Volume 4, Act 36: Visiting the Poorhouse Part 2

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There was a travelling coach near the Witchs house which they could take to go to the village. There usually arent many customers riding the remodelled coaches, but they have been raising their profits by making purchases on behalf of the villages they visited and delivering the items there.

The coach slowly approached Oulu village while they were chatting.

There was a small stream at the entrance of Oulu Village. The village was adjacent to the forest, but the magic wasnt as thick as the forest. Therefore, monsters didnt appear much there, and they could maintain the village.

(But the magic here is still much stronger than the magic at the Royal Capital.)

They must harvest delicious vegetables and fruits, Cordelia thought as she followed the Witch and got off the carriage.

Now, lets go.

The first place the Witch headed to was a building at the back of the village. Cordelia surveyed the village as they walked there. A moderate distance was maintained between the houses. Depending on the location, some houses had a field next to them, and some houses raised about two cows. Also, she saw scenes that she rarely had the chance to see in the Royal Capital, such as children playing on tree stumps and in sand, or middle-aged men carrying straw.

They arrived at their destination while she was observing her surroundings. The building is made from white stone, and, to put it nicely, it looks like it has a lot of history behind it. Frankly, it feels like an old church.

At the entrance of the building, there was a wooden signboard that indicated that it was the poorhouse.

Next to the poorhouse was a field full of fresh, green vegetables. Flowers and herbs were planted on the edges of the field for enjoyment, and there were children in straw hats plucking out weeds. There were several watering cans on the side of the well.

Ah, its Witch-sensei!

Sensei, welcome!

The children noticed the Witch and raised a cheerful voice. The Witch greeted, Hello, and waved her hands, then she headed straight into the building. Cordelia, Vernoux, Gille and Ronnie followed her.

The children who were inside the building were smaller than the ones outside. However, they reacted in the same way as the children outside.

Its Witch-sensei!

Sensei, welcome!

The children, who spoke with more pronounced lisps than the ones outside, rushed towards the Witch But they stopped right away. Probably because there were strangers behind the Witch Probably because Cordelia, Vernoux, Gille and Ronnie were there.

The children kept their distance as they peeked at the strangers, and the rear door slowly opened.

And the woman who appeared was about the same height as the Witch.

Oh my, you really brought people with you today, Green.

Hello, director. I put todays snacks into this basket. And, as Ive written in my letter, these four children are the ones who visit my shop at the Royal Capital and one of their brothers. I ended up inviting them here.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen from the Royal Capital. We dont have much, but please make yourselves at home.

Cordelia and the others each returned the directors welcome with a bow. Then, just when she was about to say her greetings, a child behind the director, who was hiding their face, suddenly shouted.

Aah!! Theres a prince!

The childs voice resounded well throughout the room.

For a moment, silence reigned in the room as if time had stopped. Cordelia was surprised by that outrageous statement, and she moved unnaturally to follow the direction the child was pointing in.

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