Volume 5, Act 44: Future Knight's Prelude Part 2

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She arrived home before she could come up with an idea, but she still had a few days before Dahlia would come over.

(I dont have to rush; I can take my time to think.)

Cordelia got off the carriage and headed straight to the entrance. She saw an uncommon sight of her two brothers talking at the entrance, and she blinked.

(Cyrus-oniisama and Isma-oniisama?)

Cordelia tilted her head in confusion, since she had only seen them together a handful of times. Oh my, do they have a special engagement today?

But, brother, thats-

Ive been thinking about it for a long time. Ive already made the request, and father knows about it.

I dont know what theyre talking about, but I dont want to disturb them if its something important. But if I dont walk through here, then I cant go back to my room. What should I do? Cordelia thought, but they probably wouldnt stand here and talk if its important. She kept on walking.

Im home, Onii-samas.

If Im disturbing them, then I can just keep on walking Cordelia greeted, and Cyrus and Isma turned around at the same time. Her two brothers were handsome today, even though they both wore different trends The aura around them became more brilliant when they were together.

Welcome home, Cordelia.

Her second brother, Isma, replied first in a soft voice. The eldest brother, Cyrus, on the other hand, was silent, but he looked like he was troubled and looking for something to say, since Isma had stolen his words. In any case, it didnt seem like they were having a secret conversation.

Its rare for you two to be together.

She was hesitant to ask them what they were talking about, but she still spoke honestly. Isma smiled.

Brother returned because of business, but hes going back to the castle now. Ill be staying here tonight.

I see.

Yeah. Isma, Ill leave the rest to you.

Yes, be careful.

Cyrus lightly patted Cordelias head as he passed her and left. They had already finished their conversation.

So, where did you go today? Did you go to Marquis Flantheims mansion?

No, I was invited to visit Earl Hales mansion today by Hazel-sama.

Oh, so you have a young lady friend who is the same age as you.

Yes. Onii-sama, theres actually something I would like to talk to you about Would you listen to my request?


Cordelia nodded at Isma, who had tilted his head slightly.

Hazel-sama has a little sister named Dahlia who is aiming to be a knight. I invited her over next time, and I wondered if I could show her anything to make her happy. So, I would like to talk to you about this.

Cordelia said, and Isma crossed his arms and hummed a little.

Well, Earl Hales family usually do jobs that involve languages, and you dont hear many of them becoming knights, so I think most people would be happy about this There are a lot of interesting things in the basement treasure room.

Interesting things?

For example, the outfits of Beatrice-sama, the younger sister of the former head four generations ago. There are also items from victory parades, so I think shell find them interesting. There are also a lot of other things, so lets go see them together.

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