Volume 06, Act 64: People who Inherited Red Eyes and the Encounter

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

If we go into town, then we will probably go to the noble district, ――― was what Cordelia had thought, but Rufina wanted to see how the common people lived.

Unlike Rufina, who was dressed in travelling clothes, Cordelia had changed into a dress for her attendance at the castle, therefore she brought a cheap stole so that she wouldnt stand out. However, she still felt uncomfortable since she still stood out in the commoner district.

Its a lively city, isnt it?

Is it different from your kingdom after all?

Our capital city is for the nobles. There are commoners living there, but it feels different. Well, it isnt bad over there either, but it will probably take some time before I can invite you there.

Im glad you didnt say it was impossible for me to visit.

Rufina chuckled at Cordelias words.

As I thought, you are interesting.

When Rufina said that, Cordelia heard the sound of her stomach rumble.

Cordelia and Rufina kept looking at each other, but Rufina eventually started laughing.

Sorry. It seems like Im hungry.

Its alright. It does smell nice around here.

There was a sandwich stall nearby which served thick slices of grilled bacon between bagels.

But you dont eat while standing since youre a Princess, right?

Eating while standing? Thats also fun. Luckily, we dont have any guards with us right now.

Cordelia was hesitant to stand and eat in a crowd, so she brought bagels from the stall and then they stopped by the nearby park at Rufinas request. There werent many people around the park, but there were a lot of trees and shade to rest under.

Cordelia sat down on a bench then handed Rufina one of the bagels she had purchased. However, Rufina stared at the bagel with a somewhat puzzled expression on her face.

( Perhaps.)

Cordelia said one phrase, Pardon me, before taking a bite of the bagel in her hand and held it out to Rufina.

Im sorry for bothering you. Im sure theres nothing to worry about, but Im not used to eating something before its tested for poison.

I already ate a lot in a single bite.

Rufina had said that she was used to being nearly killed, so Cordelia thought that perhaps she needed a poison tester, and it seemed like she was right.

Rufina also took a bite from the bagel that had been bitten into.

Its tasty.

Im glad to hear that.

But there are many good-natured people in this kingdom. If Sylvester-dono had a brother then I would have loved to take him as a husband, but I would also like to have you as a husband had you been a man.

Cordelia rolled her eyes at those words, but Rufina continued without care.

Sylvester-dono will probably become a good king. Ive known him for three years, but I know very well that he doesnt have to worry about anything since hes rounded up a lot of good people. The neighbouring kingdoms arent pleased that hes too smart, but if it werent for him, then my plan probably wouldnt have worked.

Youre right.

Honestly, we had invaded Crista in the past, but if we were to invade now, Crista has enough power to push back. Therefore, I had to accept a lot of conditions, but he was still able to convince others behind the scene to agree with the conditions. He must have been thinking about the people. He wants to reduce the burden on the northern border by crushing the flames of war to have a bright future.

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