Volume 4, Act 37: Apprentice Teacher, Ojou-sama Part 1

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A few days after Cordelias first visit to Oulu Village.

Cordelia decided to revisit the poorhouse with two books. Of course, she would be visiting with the Witch and Ronnie. Unfortunately, Vernoux and Gille were busy, so they could only see them off and wouldnt be going to Oulu Village with them.

The presents Cordelia chose for Toto was a story about a princess who lived about 100 years prior. The story was about the youngest daughter of the king from that time. She decided to study medicine, which was rare for a princess, and she built a lot of medical facilities. Toto would enjoy that book if she were interested in princesses.

The other book was chosen for Lana and the others and was a diary of a court lady who worked at the royal castle. Although it was a little old, the court lady, who accompanied the queen when she got married and started working at the royal palace, wrote about the kingdoms customs and how they came about; she also wrote about the history and other surprising things. There werent many difficult words in the book, so it would be easy for children to read, even if they didnt have prior knowledge.

Toto really likes Dilly-chan. When I went to the village the other day, she asked me many times if you were there.

That makes me really happy, but Im sorry.

You dont have to be sorry. But do talk to her more.

The Witch had said, and Cordelia laughed and nodded.

How often do you visit the village, Sensei?

It depends on the season, since I visit for the medicinal herbs that are cultivated in the villages fields. Of course, I cultivate the difficult herbs at the back of my shop, and I do pay for the herbs they provide me with. Ah, but there are a lot of kids who catch colds in winter, so I visit quite a lot. So, I guess the number of times I visit doesnt change much throughout the year.

The Witch laughed.

I think that the capital is also a convenient place, and its wonderful to meet a lot of people, but I like the country air. The sounds of the trees swaying, and the chirping of the birds are different from the royal capital, arent they?

Yes, I like it too.

Dilly-chan, do you leave the royal capital often?

I dont go far, but I often visit the forest. Ive been to Schiwiel Forest since I was little.

The forest? I never expected that you were a tomboy.

The surprised Witch said worriedly, Dont do anything dangerous, and Ronnie followed up, Yeah. In the meantime, the coach reached the village.

The sky was clear now, but the whole village was humid, probably due to the light rain in the morning. The water droplets on the trees and flowers were shining brightly in the light.

Cordelia, Ronnie and the Witch made their way on the same road as last time to the poorhouse.

As soon as they arrived, Toto came running up to Cordelia while screaming happily.

Its Dilly-chan!

Hello, Toto-chan.


Totos energetic greeting was also directed at the Witch and Ronnie. Her attitude was completely different from the frightened one she had displayed when they had first met. After her greetings, Toto stared at the cloth bag that Cordelia was holding.

Is the picture book in there?

Yes. Lets read it together.

Ok! You know, Toto wanted to talk to Dilly-chan today, so she did her best around the house!

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