Volume 3, Extra 03: The Apprentice Girl's Effort

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[Laras Perspective]

Ojou-sama secludes herself in the library whenever she has spare time. Although she does show up at the greenhouse and laboratory, she earnestly researched in the library and her room.

I dont know why, but its boring.

Well, what can you do? Its Ojou-sama.

What is?

Ronnie said briefly, but I didnt understand what he meant by its Ojou-sama.

When she comes up with an idea, she gets really passionate about it. She probably wont listen to anything anyone says right now. In a way, shes stubborn. You know this too, dont you Lara?

I think its inappropriate for you to call Ojou-sama stubborn, even if its just a joke.

Hey! Youll get hurt if you dont concentrate.

I know!

Im learning defensive combat from Ronnie right now. Apparently Master instructed him to teach me. Ojou-sama is also learning defensive combat, but Im learning the real thing. I was excited to hear that But, Im worried that Ojou-sama has been acting indifferently lately. I might become useful to Ojou-sama if I learn this, but theres a chance that she needs help right now.

In any case, I dont know what would happen even if you went and did something difficult.

I know that!

Ojou-sama would tell you if she wants you to do something, so you dont have to be hasty. In the meantime, you should work whether youd like to or not.

Ronnies seriously- I thought, but I knew that he wasnt making fun of me.

Lara. Master told me to teach you this, but is training so boring?

Its not boring but-

You just dont know it, but this is an amazing thing.

But, Ronnie seemed like he couldnt convey what was amazing and he pressed his right index finger on his forehead. I know its a privilege to be taught this, even if he didnt show me that gesture. I could guess that this was a great thing because Master had to give his approval.

But, this and that are different. If Ojou-sama is doing something, then I would like to help her

Say, Ronnie. Is there really nothing I could help Ojou-sama with?

First things first, Im teaching you this so that you can protect her if she finds herself in a dangerous situation.

If he was going to put it like that, then I cant complain anymore.

You have to concentrate and do what you can now.

I reluctantly spread my magic out according to Ronnies words.

Well, how about bringing some refreshments to Ojou-sama after were done?

I turned around when I heard Ronnie. I heard him say frantically, Ah, idiot! and then a small explosion occurred.

That was the moment when I experienced why he kept telling me to concentrate.

Fortunately, only the sound of the explosion was grand. It had only grazed our skins, and we didnt bleed. Even though defensive combat involved condensing high concentrations of magic, it was a technique that specialises in defending, and there were a lot of tools in place so that the targets dont get hurt in case something were to happen Or so I reasoned, but Ronnie scolded me harshly. He told me, It wouldnt be strange if something happens, no matter how many tools we have in place, since were compressing our magic. The lazy Ronnie was scolding me that much, and saying nothing but annoying things, so I think the techniques really dangerous if I make a single mistake.

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