Volume 6, Act 55: The Fragrant Lady and Blossoms at the Coming of Age Banquet 1

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

It was finally the day of Cordelias coming of age evening party.

Cordelia was waiting for her turn with Isma. She was told that she would appear in front of the guests when the signal appears after Elviss speech.

After I enter, I will bow to everyone, dance with Isma-oniisama and then greet the guests with Otou-sama. By doing this, I can choose which aromas to give the guests ――― she went over this in her mind and Isma laughed next to her.

I thought you would be calm, but youre not smiling.


Its okay. Youre beautiful, so you only have to act dignified. The new aroma also suits you well. What scent is that?

Its the scent of roses. I changed the way I extracted essential oils.

Did you use the same flower?

Yes. Its the red rose in the greenhouse.

Oh, the extraction method changes the aroma a lot.

Isma said and looked as if he was in deep thought, so Cordelia tilted her head.

Onii-sama? Whats wrong?

You used the rose youve been planting in the greenhouse for that scent, right?

Yes. My friends mother does selective breeding on roses, and he gave me one.

I see

Is something wrong with that rose?

No, Ive seen a similar flower at the royal castle. But, its probably a different breed.

Cordelias rose, which emphasized on fragrance, didnt have any special characteristics on its petals. There are many other red roses, and Isma might have made a mistake.

You take good care of that rose, dont you Cordelia?

Yes, its my favourite flower.

The fragrance was different from the one in my previous life but due to the difference in rose varieties and extraction methods, its definitely my favourite.

(The first leading stage in my life The environment and my condition should be at the best.)

Cordelia thought as she raised her face and stared straight at the door.

The butler, Hans, looked inside the hall and looked for an opportunity for Cordelia to enter.

Now, its time. Cordelia, your hand.

Yes, Onii-sama.

Your smile is back to how it normally is. Ill say it once again, congratulations on becoming an adult.

Thank you very much.

The only disappointing thing about today is that Im your partner. It would have been alright if you had a nice fiancé. Well, I dont have one either, so youll have to put up with me today.

Isma joked and Cordelia desperately tried not to laugh.

Then, the hall door was opened, and the sight was more dazzling than she had imagined it to be.

The hall was glistening from the chandelier and lamps, and the gazes of the guests which all turned to her at once made her feel this way.

Strangely enough, she wasnt as nervous as when she was waiting.

She didnt have that much time, but she was able to observe her surroundings calmly. She had hammered the names and faces of those who were coming tonight, so she could see the people in front of her and from the corner of her eyes. There shouldnt be anyone who didnt attend.

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