Volume 3, Act 28: The Deceiver and the Deceived Part 02

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Cordelia and Christina left the man for now and headed towards the store in their carriage.

When Emina opened the door, the man, whod just returned, quickly came out from the back, Sorry to keep you waiting.

A day hadnt passed since theyd visited this store and it looked the same as yesterday.

The only difference was that there was a young man in the store that wasnt there yesterday. The young man wore nice clothes and was talking with the woman while holding materials. That young man was probably the wholesaler.

The young man and woman looked towards the entrance when they heard the man greet customers. The woman smiled when she saw Cordelia and Christina, Oh my, welcome, but the boy froze.


Then, a question leaked out from Christina.

You Ted? Youre Ted, arent you? Why are you here?

The young mans confusion was also passed onto Christina. He flapped his mouth open and clothes, but no words came out.


Whats wrong, Donnelly-san? Do you know this cust-?

However, the young man pushed Cordelia and Christina out of the way and rushed out of the store before the woman could finish her question.


Christina immediately chased after the man even though she was off balanced.


Cordelia was late to react. However, she couldnt just ignore this even though she had been delayed.



Without hesitation, she immediately left the store to chase after Christina.

Cordelia quickly looked around for Christina. Then, she caught a peek of her on the right, but Christinas figure was getting further and further away.

Cordelia instantly ran after her, but Christina was faster than shed imagined. It was as if she had lied when she said her feet hurt yesterday.

(I was late, but it was only for a moment!)

Is this adrenaline rush? No, that doesnt matter right now. I might be able to catch up to her if I took off my heels, but Im wearing straps today. She might get even further away from me while Im taking them off.

(I cant catch up to her like this!)

Cordelia concluded and looked at Emina.

You go ahead, she tried to say, but Emina had a different idea.

Ojou-sama, please be careful, Im going to increase our speed.

Emina said as she chanted in a small voice, then Cordelia felt her feet repel from the floor.

(Is this Eminas magic?)

Her body suddenly became lighter, and she got faster just like Emina had stated. It felt as if she was being pushed from the ground. However, her balance was delicate so she would fall to the ground if she werent careful.

(But, we can catch up to her like this!)

I wont fall. Cordelia told herself and concentrated on chasing after Christina.

Christina chased the young man into a narrow road without hesitation.

(I wish you would stay on the big roads!)

It was only a street away from the main street, but there werent many people around. It wasnt a dangerous place, but she felt anxious that there werent many people around while she was chasing someone.

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