Volume 4, Act 38: Thoughts, Words and Action Part 3

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(Make it in time!)

That was her only wish as she threw the seed directly below them.

Cordelia and Mick were diving onto a thick grass cushion. The unripe smell of the leaves reached her nose.

I made it on time.

I had a second and little more to spare. I felt a strong wind resistance, as we were falling, so Ronnie may have used some kind of magic to help us. So, I had about two seconds? She thought as she looked up at the cliff from where theyd fallen. It looked to be the same height as falling from a second floor.


Im fine, Ronnie! Im not hurt.

I cant actually check, so Im probably not.

She added in her mind as she narrowed her eyes. Ronnie had a light, so his surroundings were bright, but she could only see his pitch-black silhouette because he was backlit. However, she could guess his complexion by the tone of his voice.

Im angry too! Wait there for me and dont move. Ill go down when Im ready!

He sounded worried instead of angry. Ronnie looked at the cliff and pulled his face back.

(When hes ready? What does he need to get ready?)

I wonder if we should do something here as well, while we wait She thought, but her body felt heavy, so she didnt ask. She laid down on the grass, with bad manners, and thought, is this sluggishness the result of me channelling all my magic?

Mick-kun, are you hurt anywhere else besides your leg?

Ah, no. Are you ok?

Im not hurt.

It was troublesome to move even a finger, even though she could speak. But she didnt feel any pain from being injured. It wasnt impossible for her to move her body, just because it was troublesome, but she was exhausted from feeling relieved and didnt feel like moving at all.

( But I cant let Mick-kun get anxious because of the dark.)

Cordelia thought, as she took out her flashlight magic tool. It was small, so she could light it somehow, even though her magic had almost been exhausted.

Your hair looks horrible. Its stuck.

I see.

Mick reported the situation to her when she lit the flashlight. She couldnt see it herself, but she was somewhat aware that he was right. But it would be nice if I dont have to cut it short, she thought, but still didnt move.

Mick sighed and bend down next to Cordelias head. Then, she heard the sound of leaves rustling.

Oh my, are you removing them for me?


Mick didnt say anything, but that was probably the answer. She moved her heavy neck a little and looked at him.

Mick-kun, you said you werent injured anywhere else, but you have a wound on your body. Did you get stabbed by a twig? Or were you cut?

He may have been unharmed had he been dressed, but there is a small injury on his body.

It wont go into this wound.

Yes, but you have to disinfect it when you get back. And you have to get your left leg examined.

His silence this time was accompanied by a disgusted expression.

Cordelia resisted the urge to spurt out and turned her head back, so she was facing upwards. She slowly closed her eyes as she looked up at the starry night sky

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