Volume 06, Final Act: And, the Tale that Continues in the Future

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

Cordelias Perspective

A month after the wedding.

It was late at night when Gille-sama returned from his inspection of the northern part of Crista Kingdom.

I heard he had already had dinner, but he said he was going to have a light drink, so I had simple snacks like cheese and ham prepared for him.

Gille-sama doesnt drink much, but he might have wanted to drink a little since he had tomorrow off.

What are you thinking about?

I was wondering if you have time tomorrow, Gille-sama.

I havent decided what I want to invite him to do. Gille-sama blinked when I asked him if he was busy.


Dilly, you ask strange things sometimes.


I came home early because I wanted to spend time with you. Weve got all the time in the world.

I was confused when Gille-sama said that smoothly.

Dont worry, Ive properly finished all my work. But its a little horrible that I suddenly had to leave the castle for ten days and stay away from my lovely wife when wed just married.

I couldnt help but choke when Gille-sama said that without any hint of embarrassment.

Did something good happen?

Of course. I got to hear a welcome back from Dilly.

Gille-sama replied calmly to my question as I poured some wine, and I couldnt help but feel like he was teasing me.

Can you refrain from drinking if youre drunk before you start?

Sorry, my bad. I didnt lie, but I was given an unexpected gift during the inspection.

Then he handed me a small box which looked quite expensive.

Open it.

He prompted, so I did and inside, I found an amber pendant.

This is?

Its a gift from Rufina-dono. She said its a late wedding gift.

From Rufina-sama?

Of course, it wouldnt be surprising if she found out that Gille-sama was in the north and paid him a casual visit, but she was currently preparing for her coronation.

Ghost had said that her conflict with her brother had been a sham, but according to Rufina-sama, 『Its not like were not on bad terms, but Im better than him』, and she didnt seem to be willing to give up on the throne at all. However, she also admitted 『Well, hell probably take care of my funeral if I die』.

Ghost was handed over to Dulaus after he was interrogated in Crista.

Apparently, he had been surprisingly honest during the interrogation. However, this wasnt because he had a change of heart, but because he wanted to enjoy imagining the demise of those who were involved with the evil deeds he had committed since he couldnt get out of prison. So, he confessed everything.

The story after that was never officially announced in Crista, but Rufina-sama had written a letter, 『The ghost will disappear at dawn, and will never appear before anyone ever again』. In other words, it was like that.

Rufina-dono is the same as always. She wanted to invite me to her coronation, so she asked me to ascend the throne as soon as possible. So absurd. She also said that it was my filial duty to get my father to retire early so that he can enjoy the rest of his life.

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