Volume 2, Intermission 02: The Pameradia House's Analysis Magician

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Six years have already passed since I found employment in the prestigious Earl Pameradia House.

I, Ronnie Eris, was working under Cordelia Ojou-sama.

I couldnt help but think, why is this happening to me, when I was ordered to work under Ojou-sama, but now I think I was lucky.

This position wasnt bad. It was rather cosy.

First of all, I could escape from the magician wing, and seclude myself in Ojou-samas laboratory. I still continued my other jobs, related to the security of the mansion and water inspections, while helping Ojou-sama, so my workload has increased. Unexpected work usually doesnt appear in my lap when Im with Ojou-sama. For example, the magician Onee-samas saying, Go buy us the limited cake, or Line up for the theatre tickets and so on. Therefore, its become much easier for me now. Im very thankful for this.

The Onee-samas in the magician wing are all beautiful, and I think that ordinary men would be extremely excited to work there. Actually, I also saw an illusion at first, as if I was in a play.

Well, I returned back to reality straight away.

Because, you know, they used me as an errand boy straight away, so that was inevitable. Incidentally, there are currently six magicians employed at the Pameradia House; the only other male magician was the deputy head magician, who was in the prime of his life. The rest were the Onee-samas. By the way, Mentor is also included with the Onee-samas.

They seemed extremely disappointed when it was decided that I would be employed here. It seemed that they preferred to have a female junior, and had a tantrum in anger, We can be affectionate with girls and go to eat cake together! It was very different before; they would give me enough money for the exact number of Onee-samas and say, Go buy some cake. Even though it would have been fine to give me a portion of the cake after making me act like the gofer Somehow, I couldnt help but think that I wanted to be born as a woman.

Well, theyre not bad people, Im sure. There were rare cases when they told me they would treat me if I changed the way I spoke. However, thats a pretty tough standard for me.

But, thats probably all.

If I had a male junior, then we could probably share the gofer job.

That wasnt the only reason why I was happy to be working under Ojou-sama. The work that Ojou-sama gives me is easy to understand. Do this, Do that. There was almost never any guessing. Well, that may be because Ojou-sama is doing experiments that couldnt be guessed. And I think that its a privilege to be able to drink delicious tea whenever I want.

However, I never imagined eight years ago that I would be working as a helper for Ojou-sama, or working at the Pameradia House in the first place.

I was a magician who graduated from the 『Royal Magic Academy』. I didnt have any fields I was bad in, nor did I have any fields I excelled in, when I was in school, but my major was analysis magic. I was the top student for my field in my final report, and my overall results were third in the academy; I had a good record in school.

My family home is a merchant house based in a port city south of the Royal Capital; and I am the third son. However, it was unfortunate that I didnt have any business sense, even though it was my familys trade. I noticed this when I was around fourteen. My parents and older brothers would persuade me from a young age, Its fine. You can do something other than business, so they probably saw right through me. Seriously, the eyes of people who run big companies are amazing.

I never wanted to work as a merchant, so I wasnt particularly disappointed. However, the question of what to do next popped up in my mind.

But, I didnt have to worry about it for long. I thought of something when I saw a merchants wagon, come in from the Royal Capital, at the back of my parents home.

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