Volume 4, Act 32: Meeting and How to Call Each Other

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Five days after Vernoux had visited Cordelia.

Cordelia went to town with the reluctant Ronnie.

Lara, who had eagerly bought town clothes for Cordelia, looked very satisfied when she saw Cordelia in them. Cordelia noticed that and decided that she would give the clothes to Lara when she grew taller. Im sure theyll suit her, and she probably chose these clothes because she likes the design.

The place where she was meeting Vernoux and Gille was in front of the fountain in the plaza. It was a popular place to meet up, so there were a lot of friends and lovers standing around waiting for each other. In short, there were a lot of people.

Cordelia was worried about whether she would be able to find two boys in that crowded place, but she worried for no reason.

Found you. Dilly, long time no see.

Its been a while, Gille-sama.

Gille, who she had been able to meet again before the Founding Festival, had nimbly approached them. Did he run here? His hair is a bit messy.

Im glad I found you. I was worried since there are a lot of people here today.

Hey, Gille. Dont just run off.

Vernoux had appeared behind Gille, who was catching his breath.

Oh, Dilly.

Sorry, Im just a little surprised by your hair colour.

He had purposely changed his hair colour when she had met him in town for the first time when they were eight, but right now his hair was still blonde. She thought that he would change his hair every time he went out incognito, so she couldnt help but think that it was strange to see him with his usual appearance.

And, even though she hadnt told everyone, Vernoux got the message and whispered into her ear.

Im already used to going incognito, so its fine. It takes a lot of magic to change appearances.

I see. Alright.

A lot of nobles had blonde hair, but that didnt mean that commoners didnt have blonde hair either. A blonde hair child, who isnt used to going incognito, would definitely stand out if they wander around.

( Though, I thought Vernoux-sama was already used to going incognito at that time.)

In any case, the current Vernoux-sama definitely doesnt allude a 『noble aura』. So, there really shouldnt be any problems.


Oh, sorry. My bad. Dont glare at me Gille.

Vernoux lightly tapped Cordelias shoulder before stepping away from her; now he stood in front of Ronnie.

Today, Ronnies here too. Im counting on you.

Its my pleasure.

From Ronnies reply, Cordelia could tell that he was more nervous than usual. He really is bad at being formal. He was probably reluctant to come because he knew this would happen.

(Do you best, Ronnie. Ill thank you for this later.)

Cordelia cheered for him in her mind before looking at Gille.

This is the first time youve met him Gille-sama. This is Ronnie. He works at my house. Ronnie, this is Vernoux-samas friend, Gille-sama.

Nice to meet you, I am Ronnie Eris. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Just call me Gille. Nice to meet you.

Gille had a gentler aura than Vernoux, but Ronnies nervousness didnt go away. I actually feel really bad. When Cordelia started feeling a little guilty, Vernoux scratched his head.

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