Volume 05, Epilogue: A Little into the Future Part 1

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: SenjiQ

[Sylvester P.O.V.]

Lets stop here today.

Thank you very much.

Your Highness has gotten a lot stronger.

Elvis has remained expressionless since we met, but he still gave me a rare compliment. I know that he wont flatter me, so I was stunned and happy that he had complimented me. However, there was another feeling that gushed up from within me as well.

Im still not strong enough yet.

Elvis praises me as much as he did when I was younger.

Compared to his sons, Cyrus and Isma, I still have a long way to go.

When I thought that, I heard a familiar laugh from behind me.

Haha, youre usually sincere, but you wont accept your masters compliments Apparently, my son has finally reached his rebellious age.


I was a little surprised that father was here since he usually didnt come here.

Sylvester, you should accept compliments. Its good that you want to improve, but its rare for Elvis to compliment someone, so youll be punished if you dont accept it.

Your Majesty.

Oh, did I say something wrong? But, I came here today because I heard that Elvis started praising Sylvester recently.


Oh, you didnt hear it directly?

I reflexively looked at Elvis when I heard that. Elvis had no expression on his face and remained calm. His attitude also stated that he hadnt particularly said anything special about me.

I blinked, and father laughed.

I still remember that day when you asked me if you can have a match with Elvis.

Father, now thats

I havent forgotten that I demanded this of father because Dilly liked knights. However, it felt uncomfortable to say that in front of Elvis. However, father doesnt know the real reason behind it anyway.

Your Majesty, if youre going to enjoy each others companies, then Ill step down.

Oh, dont worry about it. I also came here to discuss something with you.

With me?

Yeah. Why dont you accompany me for a while tonight? I got some good alcohol. Your beloved daughter is in Weltoria, so you dont have to rush home, right?

Elvis frowned at fathers words.

Im sorry, but

Oh, my bad. Im not teasing you. I just want to thank you in advance.

Father continued with a smile to the Earl, who was baffled.

Its about time for me to choose a new sword for Sylvester. There are probably things that Sylvester and I cant understand if we went alone, so wont you come with us, Elvis?

His Highnesss sword?

Eh, my sword?

My voice and Elviss almost overlapped. I dont remember asking my father for a sword, but Elvis accepted fathers words with a nod.

It might be a good time.

Ah. He seems to like what he has now, but hes coming of age. I want to give him something good at this turning point in his life.

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