Volume 2, Act 19: Exchange Between Ladies Part 02

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Then, five days later, in the afternoon.

Cordelia got out of the carriage, with her luggage, in front of Earl Hales mansion. Her luggage hadnt been packed for an 『overnight trip』like in her previous world, but she did compact it.

In the end, Cordelia couldnt rest at all, because she had been thinking about how she would be staying over here for the next couple days. She didnt understand it well, but she felt an itch somewhere.

However, in contrast to Cordelias feeling, Hazel greeted her with a big smile.

Welcome, Cordelia-sama!

How do you do, Hazel-sama? Ill be in your care.

Her smile made one think of flowers in full bloom. Cordelia couldnt help but think, my impression of her would have changed if she looked like this from the first time I met her.

Hazel was in an excellent mood and looked as if she was going to hug Cordelia as she took her hand.

I procured a new embroidery tool for today. Ah, Ive also prepared your favourite things in the guest room.

I, I see. Thank you very much.

You dont have to be that stiff! Were best friends, arent we?

Our status has elevated from friends to best friends in the time we havent met!

Cordelia managed to smile somehow, even though she was surprised. She didnt feel bad because Hazel liked her, but she couldnt relax.

Hazel pulled her hand, and they went to the guest room first. Emina had carried her luggage in, and then went home.

Hazel said, Ill join you in a bit, and went back to her own room. Cordelia thought that she could finally breathe a little before Hazel came back But there was a light knock at the door the moment she thought that.

Cordelia-sama, its Hazel.

So fast

I really only had a second to relax. Although she thought so, she could have predicted this would happen from how hyper Hazel was acting. Come in, she said, and the door was quickly opened.

Im back with the embroidery tools.

In addition to Hazels personal toolbox, she also had a basket full of different coloured threads and beautiful white handkerchiefs. Those were probably Hazels favourite items and were several times more than what Cordelia had. That didnt mean that Cordelia held a small amount of embroidery items, it just meant that Hazel liked to collect them that much.

Do you like embroidering, Hazel-sama?

Yes. Otou-sama always says that men like women who can embroider.

She boasted as she put the tools down onto the table near the window.

You get along really well with your Otou-sama, dont you?

Yes. Because Im the daughter, hes proud of!

Hazel put her hand to her chest as she said that, and her eyes looked gentler. Theyre really close. Cordelia felt a little closer to her. We might be surprisingly similar in some respects. She thought and felt a little bit of her tension fade.

At the same time, she was a little envious of Hazel.

Her father was proud to have her as a daughter.

Cordelia still didnt have the confidence to make that claim. Or rather, she couldnt image Elvis going around bragging about his daughter, and she was doubtful about whether he had someone to boast to.

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