Volume 2, Extra: A Holiday for Ms. Who Caught a Cold

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Then, Ojou-sama, lets finish it here for today.


After Cordelia had finished with her history lesson, and saw her tutor off, she felt as if her eyes were getting blurry and rubbed them. But, when she opened her eyes again, her vision returned to normal, and she couldnt feel anything odd about it.

It must be my imagination, she reflected, and went to have lunch without a care. However, she strangely had no appetite and, in the end, she barely touched her food.

I wonder, if its a cold.

She whispered that to herself, and a shout came from behind her.

WHAT?! The owner of that voice was Ronnie.

Ronnie, whats wrong?

Because, Ojou-sama, just now, you said cold, didnt you?

Yes. Im feeling a little off. I wonder if I should rest.

Cordelia tilted her head at Ronnie, who suddenly lost his complexion.

Are you okay? You look worse than me

Well What am I saying? Please rest. Ojou-sama is still a child Huh, Ojou-sama?!

I feel like his voice is so far away, even though hes being so loud, she thought, as her vision faded into blackness.


Have you awoken?

Emina? This is my room, isnt it?

Yes. Ojou-sama has caught a cold.

Emina spoke as she placed a pitcher on the side table. Perhaps, she has medicine too.

But, this is just a cold. I collapsed the moment I realized that I had a cold, so I wasnt planning on not taking care of myself.

. Its just a cold, isnt it?

Yes. But Ojou-sama is still not an adult.

I have a feeling Ronnie said the same thing before I collapsed.

You dont have to treat me like that much of a child.

She thought that, but Emina must have seen right through her.

Ojou-sama has a lot of magic power, so its easier for you to take a turn for the worse. First, please drink this medicine.

She listened to Emina as she recalled, come to think of it, Ive heard that before.

She hadnt been sick, ever since she had caught that disease when she was three, but apparently, she would become like this, even from a cold, because of how high her magic power was. She once again realized that having a lot of magic power wasnt always a good thing. Cordelia drank her medicine with Eminas help.

The salty taste of the medicine spread throughout her mouth. Frankly speaking, it was bad.

You probably wont catch a cold once your body is steady enough. Besides, Ojou-sama has overcome a great disease. Thats why, youll be able get well soon, if you rest properly.


Yes, that was what the doctor said. But, you will be having another medical exam.

Apparently the doctor had already examined her, so she probably didnt have too much to worry about. But she had a feeling that her body felt more sluggish than it did when she was in the greenhouse.

Will I get better in 3 days?

I would hate it if I dont, Cordelia thought while speaking, but Emina opened her eyes in surprise.

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