Volume 05, Act 53: Binding Hope and Path Forward

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: SenjiQ

Dear Gille-sama,

I havent sent you a letter in a very long time.

How are you?

It is already hot here every day, but this is the season when the flowers are in full bloom, so everyone in town seems a little restless.

I am also enjoying the flowers, but I feel even more excited because it is time to harvest the clove buds. I am looking forward to using it as spice and essential oils from now on.

Well, I will be back in the royal capital next month, but before I return, I will be visiting Ertiga with my aunt, so I look forward to dining with my brother and sister-in-law.

Also, I have been spending my time meaningfully by doing things such as checking the herb garden in the outskirts and checking on the essential oil workshop which is only waiting for official operations.

The herbs are growing well, and I am sure you would enjoy them if you saw them ―――

Cordelia was doing a good job writing her letter until there, then she re-read what she had written and stopped writing.

If I just write this, then it could be misleading.

The words she had muttered to herself vanished in the room, but the thought shed just had didnt go away.

(It sounds as if Im inviting him out on a date.)

Cordelia folded the letter in four and put it into the drawer. Fortunately, her childhood friend wasnt here to rush her to write the letter, so she didnt have to write it quickly.

Itll be easier for him to understand if I write『Gille-sama and Witch-sensei』instead of just『Gille-sama』.

If I write that, then Im sure Gille-sama wouldnt have to worry about something strange.

In a month, Cordelias life in Weltoria fief will come to an end.

She experienced many things that she couldnt have if she remained in the royal capital such as doing miscellaneous work according to Nirupamas instructions, visiting various fiefs with Nirupama, putting together negotiation documents, and organising tea parties.

She still continued to earn money through trading while doing all those things, exchanged letters with Ronnie, a magician who remained in the royal capital, to find out about the situation in the greenhouse, and checked on the progress at Ertigas herb garden. Nirupama would get angry and yell at her a lot, Go to bed already! because she was doing so many things.

(I also discovered and learnt many things here My biggest harvest is discovering the clove buds.)

The clove trees which grew on an island in the middle of a vast lake were big, and it was challenging to collect the clove buds, but she used the steam distillation method on the buds and had obtained essential oils from them.

Clove bud essential oils are said to be good for when one wanted to improve their memory or concentrate and is best combined with rosemary essential oil. However, although eugenol, the main component of clove bud essential oil, has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect, it has a strong stimulus, so one needed to be extra careful when using it.

The best thing that Cordelia remembered about this essential oil was its insect repellent effect and anti-mold properties. It becomes a strong insect repellent when used together with an aroma lamp. It was useful in Weltoria since there were more insects here than in the royal capital.

(Insect repellents are essential for a good nights sleep.)

It was a waste if her mind didnt work from lack of sleep since she was finally learning a lot of things. She didnt have to worry about getting bitten by insects much because of the repellent, and she also had a good nights rest.

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