Volume 1, Act 09: Recruiting Ojou-samas as Testers

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It was a while after Cordelia had gotten the promise to visit the fief together with Elvis.

Cordelia set out to recruit the female servants, who worked at the Pameradia House, as testers.

She was asking people to be test subjects for the prototype cosmetic products.

Only five conditions were required of the testers.

(1) Those who can receive a massage using the balms that are currently in circulation for one month.

(2) Those who can receive a massage using a new medicine after the period for (1) is over.

(3) Those who are not likely to come in contact with infants.

(4) The payments for testers will be hourly wages based on the duration of the treatments.

(5) In the unlikely event that any harm comes to the tester, the Pameradia House will bear responsibility and provide them with medical treatment.

Cordelia judged that these conditions werent bad.

It wasnt like the wages of the workers at the mansion was low, but first, there was the appeal of earning extra wages.

And the other more significant appeal was that『they could use balm that only higher rank nobles could use and receive massage treatments』. It was a luxury that was definitely hard to obtain with just their regular wages.

However, she couldnt get good reactions from those conditions, and she didnt meet anyone who put their name forward for the trials.

Cordelia thought that one of the reasons for this was probably because there were people who thought, This is too good to be true.

At the same time, another reason could be that they were restraining themselves thinking, Other people probably want to apply for it.

(If they have other reasons, then itll probably just be that they dont know how serious I am. Too bad, Id expected these reasons.)

They probably assume that she wouldnt announce it herself and, considering the atmosphere of the mansion and the subject that she wanted to transmit, it wasnt unreasonable for them to think that. No matter how good the conditions were, she could understand that people would be perplexed by it.

(Well, it starts from now. Itll ease my concerns if I can convey to them that Im really working on this and if I could at least leave an achievement to my name.)

Yes, for example, if someone could become the sacrifice Or not, if someone could set the precedence then the problem should be solved.

At that time, she believed that it would be good to inform them, Ill be recruiting from now on.

Hey, Ronnie. Do you have any plans on becoming a woman?

I dont. Geez, please dont say absurd things just because no testers have appeared.

Ronnie spoke in shock, but it wasnt like Cordelia was serious when she said that. About 80% of it was said as a joke. The remaining 20% was out of mischief.

There were reasons why Cordelia, herself, didnt become a tester.

The first reason was that it wasnt preferable for an 『Ojou-sama』to use things that havent gone through the so-called 『poison testing』. Even if it had undergone analysis, to the very end, the results were only an assumption. There werent any poisons in the herbs, but if something were to happen then Ronnies job would be on the line.

The second reason was that the effects of the essential oils were a bit too strong for children to use. Especially mint, which caused young skin to get irritated. Also, it wasnt like it was a fad for children, so there was no meaning for Cordelia to be a tester.

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