Volume 1, Act 10: Before Departure

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In the afternoon after Cordelia had finished her dance lessons, which she wasnt very good at, Cordelia was happily handling tea utensils. Although she wasnt bad enough at dancing to step on her partners feet, she couldnt say that it was her forte either.

She wasnt familiar with triple time 1) when she was Japanese. She should be used to life in this world, but having her memories return early was probably a barrier and, no matter what, she couldnt match herself with the triple time. She probably had to keep practising every day to get used to the rhythm. She appreciated that she had knowledge of her past life, but if she had a choice, then she didnt want to remember it.

Therefore, she was refreshing herself by making tea. She knew that the tea would be more delicious if she got Emina to prepare it for her, but she also had fun making tea in her past life. Emina also tried to prepare her tea for her today as well, but she said, I obtained a new herb, so I want to try preparing it myself. Emina then prepared a pot for Cordelia to use in the laboratory. It might have been difficult for Cordelia to make her own tea in the main building since the other servants were there also, but it seemed that she could make her own pot here.

Cordelia was enjoying her time brewing tea since she hadnt done it in a while, and Ronnie came down from the second floor while carrying a box with both hands.

Oh, Ojou-sama. What are you doing this time?

I obtained a new herb. So I wanted to make herbal tea with it. Do you also want to try some, Ronnie?

Yes, the tea that Ojou-sama makes is definitely more delicious than the tea brewed by the maid over there Oh, gah, this, I dont like this. Its bitter.

I was going to tell you that you can add honey to it since its bitter, but you drank the tea before I could say anything.

Cordelia smiled wryly at Ronnie, who was trying to return his tea with a frown on his face and offered him some honey. She felt like she had an older brother who was a handful No, a younger brother?

Yup, honey is great. So, what kind of effects does this tea have?

This tea was originally drunk in southwestern kingdoms, and its a good measure against hay fever.

Cordelia spoke to Ronnie while drinking her tea without putting any honey into it.

The elder herb was a herb shed found from a research paper on folk remedies. It was a cute herb with small white flowers. The route for obtaining stock had already been established, and she was excited for it to arrive.

However, she had never heard about people in the Royal Capital suffering from hay fever before. She had never seen people of this world use masks before, but their eyes and nose did seem to get itchy She also didnt see her servants develop the so-called easy to tell symptoms of hay fever either. A survey conducted on the public concluded that about 30 per cent of the population had hay fever This world was probably different. Even if someone had hay fever, there was a high possibility that they didnt notice it themselves, since only a low percentage of people had it. So if she were to sell it, then she would have to sell it for other uses For example, using it as a measure against the cold, but honey wasnt cheap in this world. It might be hard for people to drink it if they were bad with bitter stuff, like Ronnie. If so, then she could add lemon juice and make syrup with it Cordelia thought that was good, but there might be people who werent good with sour things, as well.

(Personally, I like it either way.)

Well, its hard to get everyone to like it. Cordelia thought that and lightly clapped her hands.

Well then, lets finish tea time here. The calendulas 2) leach oils should be extracted quite well now. Lets mix it with beeswax.

If I remember correctly, you were going to make a cream to counter chapped skin. The servants, who work with water, are eagerly waiting for its completion.

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