Volume 1, Intermission 01: The Ghost Story of Pameradia House

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That day, Vernoux was unusually calm when he visited the Pameradia mansion.

He hid his right arm behind his back when he appeared in the laboratory and spoke to Cordelia with a gentle look on his face.

Dilly, I have a present for you.

Vernoux-sama has a present for me?

Listening to the words themselves was sweet, but Cordelia looked at him questioningly.

This boy had never brought her a present before. Though, he had brought a letter that hed been entrusted with, to her before.

On that premise, if she looked at his indescribable expression and extremely restless appearance, then she would be suspicious of him; Is he scheming something bad? Although she wouldnt go as far as to say that him acting『shy』was cute, but at the very least, it wouldve been better if he didnt turn his gaze away.

( Just what kind of troublesome thing are you hiding behind your back!?)

As expected, Cordelia couldnt help but be suspicious of him when he acted like that.

However, in the hand that Vernoux had vigorously thrust out when he had prepared himself, was an item utterly opposite from what Cordelia thought it would be.

It was white and fluffy.

It had slightly long, droopy ears.

The thing that had charming eyes, which made her want to hug it, was

A stuffed animal?

It wasnt a troublesome thing at all. That was without a doubt a stuffed rabbit. The stuffed rabbit that was made out of wool was fluffy and looked like a real rabbit; it was adorable. It was also the same size as a real rabbit and seemed easy to hug.

So cute.

Cordelia received the stuffed animal with both hands from Vernouxs hand and hugged it as if she was hugged a real rabbit. It felt terrific.

She liked animals, but it was difficult for her to have pets because she handled strong scented chemicals and she had few opportunities to pet them. It might be different if there was a 『zoo』in this world, but she had only seen wild animals from afar.

The destructive power of the stuffed rabbit was amazing.

It didnt move, but it hit just the right spots and healed her with only its appearance.

Vernoux-sama, do you really not mind if I have this?

Do you think its good for me to have something like that?

Vernoux sighed loudly.

He wasnt touched even if such a cute stuffed rabbit was in front of him.

He doesnt know what hes missing, Cordelia thought and shrugged her shoulders.

It certainly doesnt match your personality. So, why did you bring it here?

With the way he acted, there was no way he bought this for me as a present. Moreover, he made it seem like he was doing this as punishment, so there was no way someone asked him to give it to me.

She thought as she peeked at his face, but his mouth was zipped. However, after a while of silence, he slightly raised both his hands in the air as if hed resigned. It seemed that he couldnt stand her staring at him.

Recently, my mother has suddenly started collecting them as a hobby, and she also filled my room with them.

Are there a lot?

Yeah. I tried to return them to her in secret, but theyre returned to my room before I even notice it.

Im really jealous of you.

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